# nodejs-app-mss To start this application first you can get this repo code using below url git clone https://github.com/LandmakTechnology/nodejs-application cd nodejs-app-mss npm install **node app.js** (OR) npm start To execute Test cases, we will run the below command npm test To Execute the SonarQube Repor, execute the below command. npm run sonar (OR) node sonar-project.js Generate the Nexus token by using base64 encoding as follows. echo -n 'admin:passw0rd' | openssl base64 Create a .npmrc file in your project root directory and add below lines. registry=<> _auth=<> email=<> always-auth=true In package.json add below entry, "publishConfig": { "registry": "http://IPAddress:8081/repository/nodejs-mithuntechnologies/" } npm login --registry=NexusRepoURL Execute below command to upload packages to nexus repo. npm publish