This is a demonstration of how to use Kubernetes Ingress to route traffic to different services in your cluster based on different paths.
To get started, you will need to install the nginx-ingress controller in your Kubernetes cluster by running the following command:
kubectl apply -f
OR USE helm
helm repo add ingress-nginx
helm repo update
helm install [RELEASE_NAME] ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx -ns dev
This will deploy the nginx-ingress controller as a Deployment in your cluster.
Next, you will need to create some sample Deployments to route traffic to. Run the following commands to create the Deployments:
helm repo add kubernetes-dashboard
hhelm upgrade --install kubernetes-dashboard kubernetes-dashboard/kubernetes-dashboard --create-namespace --namespace dev -f k8s-values kubectl create deploy sample-1 --image=devopsprosamples/next-path-sample-1 kubectl create deploy sample-2 --image=devopsprosamples/next-path-sample-2 kubectl create deploy sample-3 --image=devopsprosamples/next-sample-1 kubectl create deploy sample-4 --image=devopsprosamples/next-sample-2
These commands will create four sample Deployments with different images.
## Create services
After you have created the Deployments, you will need to create Services for each of them. Run the following commands to create the Services:
kubectl expose deploy sample-1 --type=ClusterIP --port=3000 kubectl expose deploy sample-2 --type=ClusterIP --port=3000 kubectl expose deploy sample-3 --type=ClusterIP --port=3000 kubectl expose deploy sample-4 --type=ClusterIP --port=3000
These commands will create four Services with ClusterIP type for each of the sample Deployments.
## Create Ingress resource
Now that you have created the Services, you can create an Ingress resource to route traffic to them based on different paths. To create the Ingress resource, run the following command:
kubectl apply -f ingress-resource.yaml
This will create an Ingress resource with rules to route traffic to the sample Services based on different paths.
## Install certificate manager
If you want to use HTTPS with your Ingress, you will need to install a certificate manager. Run the following command to install the Jetstack cert-manager:
kubectl apply -f
or use helm
helm repo add jetstack
helm repo update
#kubectl apply -f
helm install
cert-manager jetstack/cert-manager
--namespace cert-manager
--version v1.13.3
--set installCRDs=true
This will install the cert-manager as a Deployment in your cluster.
## Create Clusterissuer
After you have installed the cert-manager, you can create a Clusterissuer to issue SSL certificates for your Ingress. Run the following commands to create the staging and production Clusterissuers:
kubectl apply -f staging_issuer.yaml kubectl apply -f prod_issuer.yaml
These commands will create two Clusterissuers, one for staging and one for production.
## Other Commands
Here are some other useful commands to help you manage your Kubernetes cluster:
#### To view deployments
kubectl get deploy
#### To view services
kubectl get svc
#### To view ingress
kubectl get ing
#### To describe ingress
kubectl describe ing
#### To view clusterissuer
kubectl get clusterissuer
#### To view certificate
kubectl get certificate
#### To describe certificate
kubectl describe certificate