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Deployment Creation

This README file provides step-by-step instructions to perform various deployment operations using Kubernetes. The following practical questions are covered in this guide.

Video Link:

Question 1: Create a deployment named my-deploy with the image nginx.

To create a deployment named "my-deploy" with the nginx image, use the following command:

kubectl create deployment my-deploy --image=nginx

Question 2: Scale my-deploy to 3 replicas.

To scale the "my-deploy" deployment to 3 replicas, use the following command:

kubectl scale deployment my-deploy --replicas=3

Question 3: Replace the image in my-deploy from nginx to nginx:alpine.

To replace the image in the "my-deploy" deployment from "nginx" to "nginx:alpine", use the following command:

kubectl set image deployment my-deploy nginx=nginx:alpine

Question 4: Scale down the replicas of my-deploy to 2.

To scale down the replicas of the "my-deploy" deployment to 2, use the following command:

kubectl scale deployment my-deploy --replicas=2

Question 5: Rollback to the previous version of my-deploy.

To rollback the "my-deploy" deployment to the previous version, use the following command:

kubectl rollout undo deployment my-deploy

Question 6: Delete the deployment, replicaset, and pod created by my-deploy.

To delete the deployment, replicaset, and pods created by the "my-deploy" deployment, use the following command:

kubectl delete deployment my-deploy

That's it! You've learned how to perform various deployment operations in Kubernetes. For a visual demonstration, refer to the video link provided above.