anim8 changelog =============== ### v2.3.1 * Fixes bug where gotoFrame sometimes ended up on the wrong frame, which produced flickering (#19, #28) ### v2.3.0 * Adds support for shearing (kx, ky parameters when drawing) * Adds Animation:getFrameInfo() ### v2.2.0 * Adds Animation:getDimensions() ### v2.1.0 * LÖVE version upped to 0.9.x ### v2.0.0 * Replaced `mode` parameter by `onLoop` and `pauseAtEnd`. * `delays` and `defaultDelays` are merged into a single parameter: `durations`. * `flipH` and `flipV` return a new animation. * Interval parsing simplified. Old: '1-2,3'. New: '1-2',3