## About `Kamailio lua test suite` is an instrument for testing LUA based kamailio configuration. It allows to create as unit tests as flow tests ## How it works There is no supermagic: It simply runs scripts defined in testSuite ## Initialiaztion It is simple to use: - clone it from git and near `*.lua` file which defined in `modparam("app_lua","load","/path/to/main/example-kamailio.lua")` - Describe tests at the `tests` directory [description delow]. - init in the `file.lua` ```lua local testSuite = require "testSuite.init" local mymodule = require "mymodule" ``` - call `run()` function ```lua ... --[[ this function can receive 1 parameter: it is a table of modules that was described as local modules but contain functions that also has to be tested ]] testSuite.run({ mymodule = mymodule }) ``` ## Usage The main trigger which says to call testSuite or not is an environment variable `KAMAILIO_TESTSUITE_LUA` It must to be defined in whatever environment testSuite will run The simplest way to run it ```bash export KAMAILIO_TESTSUITE_LUA=1 && lua file.lua ``` but it is better to be switched off after tests. Otherwise when kamailio will be started it will run testSuite during runtime. The best option is to run tests in the docker container. There is a `docker` folder with an example of the docker container that can be used to run tests ## Tests description ```lua return { mySuperTest = { description = "Test mymymodule", -- Description of the test. REQUIRED testedFunction = kamailio.mymodule, -- Function being tested. REQUIRED expectedResult = "a", -- Expected result of tested function resultContainer = { "$avp", "result" }, -- If function puts some value into the vp result -- container describes for testSuite where to find -- the result algorithm = 'same', -- Algo test will be running: same/notSame DEFAULT: same withParams = { -- Params will be passed into mock instead of defaults internalLogging = true, -- allows to see log messages inside tested functions DEFAULT: false rm = "INVITE", si = "", sp = "5060", du = "sip:", dp = "12303", ct = "123456@", ci = "44444", fu = "test1@bla", ft = "testtag", ru = "callee@foo", cs = 1, mocks = { -- Allows to redefine some functions that has been added int _G -- Or not exists here. For example - rewriting of some KSR functions { what = { "KSR","dispatcher","ds_select_dst" }, to = function() return a end } } }, testedFunctionArgs = {} -- Args has to be passed into tested function }, } ``` ## Startup keys `--stop-on-fail` will stop whole testsuite ## Management there are some extensions that can be used for manage some test things: - It is possible to use lua global variable which initializes everytime tests running named `TEST` for the specific cases in the lua code like: ```lua ksr_request_route() ... if TEST then return "auth success" end KSR.registrar.save(location,URI) end ```