from cached_property import cached_property from copy import copy import json import hashlib import os import pystache import sqlite3 import tempfile import time import yaml import zipfile from .apkg_col import APKG_COL from .apkg_schema import APKG_SCHEMA BASE91_TABLE = [ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '!', '#', '$', '%', '&', '(', ')', '*', '+', ',', '-', '.', '/', ':', ';', '<', '=', '>', '?', '@', '[', ']', '^', '_', '`', '{', '|', '}', '~'] def guid_for(*values): hash_str = '__'.join(str(val) for val in values) # get the first 8 bytes of the SHA256 of hash_str as an int m = hashlib.sha256() m.update(hash_str.encode('utf-8')) hash_bytes = m.digest()[:8] hash_int = 0 for b in hash_bytes: hash_int <<= 8 hash_int += b # convert to the weird base91 format that Anki uses rv_reversed = [] while hash_int > 0: rv_reversed.append(BASE91_TABLE[hash_int % 91]) hash_int //= 91 return ''.join(reversed(rv_reversed)) class Model: def __init__(self, model_id=None, name=None, fields=None, templates=None, css=''): self.model_id = model_id = name self.set_fields(fields) self.set_templates(templates) self.css = css def set_fields(self, fields): if isinstance(fields, list): self.fields = fields elif isinstance(fields, str): self.fields = yaml.load(fields) def set_templates(self, templates): if isinstance(templates, list): self.templates = templates elif isinstance(templates, str): self.templates = yaml.load(templates) @cached_property def _req(self): """ List of required fields for each template. Format is [tmpl_idx, "all"|"any", [req_field_1, req_field_2, ...]]. Partial reimplementation of req computing logic from Anki. We use pystache instead of Anki's custom mustache implementation. The goal is to figure out which fields are "required", i.e. if they are missing then the front side of the note doesn't contain any meaningful content. """ sentinel = 'SeNtInEl' field_names = [field['name'] for field in self.fields] req = [] for template_ord, template in enumerate(self.templates): field_values = {field: sentinel for field in field_names} required_fields = [] for field_ord, field in enumerate(field_names): fvcopy = copy(field_values) fvcopy[field] = '' rendered = pystache.render(template['qfmt'], fvcopy) if sentinel not in rendered: # when this field is missing, there is no meaningful content (no field values) in the question, so this field # is required required_fields.append(field_ord) if required_fields: req.append([template_ord, 'all', required_fields]) continue # there are no required fields, so an "all" is not appropriate, switch to checking for "any" field_values = {field: '' for field in field_names} for field_ord, field in enumerate(field_names): fvcopy = copy(field_values) fvcopy[field] = sentinel rendered = pystache.render(template['qfmt'], fvcopy) if sentinel in rendered: # when this field is present, there is meaningful content in the question required_fields.append(field_ord) if not required_fields: raise Exception( 'Could not compute required fields for this template; please check the formatting of "qfmt": {}'.format( template)) req.append([template_ord, 'any', required_fields]) return req def to_json(self, now_ts, deck_id): for ord_, tmpl in enumerate(self.templates): tmpl['ord'] = ord_ tmpl.setdefault('bafmt', '') tmpl.setdefault('bqfmt', '') tmpl.setdefault('did', None) # TODO None works just fine here, but should it be deck_id? for ord_, field in enumerate(self.fields): field['ord'] = ord_ field.setdefault('font', 'Liberation Sans') field.setdefault('media', []) field.setdefault('rtl', False) field.setdefault('size', 20) field.setdefault('sticky', False) return { "css": self.css, "did": deck_id, "flds": self.fields, "id": str(self.model_id), "latexPost": "\\end{document}", "latexPre": "\\documentclass[12pt]{article}\n\\special{papersize=3in,5in}\n\\usepackage{amssymb,amsmath}\n" "\\pagestyle{empty}\n\\setlength{\\parindent}{0in}\n\\begin{document}\n", "mod": now_ts, "name":, "req": self._req, "sortf": 0, "tags": [], "tmpls": self.templates, "type": 0, "usn": -1, "vers": [] } class Card: def __init__(self, ord): self.ord = ord def write_to_db(self, cursor, now_ts, deck_id, note_id): cursor.execute('INSERT INTO cards VALUES(null,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);', ( note_id, # nid deck_id, # did self.ord, # ord now_ts, # mod -1, # usn 0, # type (=0 for non-Cloze) 0, # queue 0, # due 0, # ivl 0, # factor 0, # reps 0, # lapses 0, # left 0, # odue 0, # odid 0, # flags "", # data )) class Note: def __init__(self, model=None, fields=None, sort_field=None, tags=None, guid=None): self.model = model self.fields = fields self.sort_field = sort_field self.tags = tags or [] try: self.guid = guid except AttributeError: # guid was defined as a property pass @property def sort_field(self): return self._sort_field or self.fields[0] @sort_field.setter def sort_field(self, val): self._sort_field = val # We use cached_property instead of initializing in the constructor so that the user can set the model after calling # __init__ and it'll still work. @cached_property def cards(self): rv = [] for card_ord, any_or_all, required_field_ords in self.model._req: op = {'any': any, 'all': all}[any_or_all] if op(self.fields[ord_] for ord_ in required_field_ords): rv.append(Card(card_ord)) return rv @property def guid(self): if self._guid is None: return guid_for(*self.fields) return self._guid @guid.setter def guid(self, val): self._guid = val def write_to_db(self, cursor, now_ts, deck_id): cursor.execute('INSERT INTO notes VALUES(null,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);', ( self.guid, # guid self.model.model_id, # mid now_ts, # mod -1, # usn self._format_tags(), # TODO tags self._format_fields(), # flds self.sort_field, # sfld 0, # csum, can be ignored 0, # flags '', # data )) note_id = cursor.lastrowid for card in card.write_to_db(cursor, now_ts, deck_id, note_id) def _format_fields(self): return '\x1f'.join(self.fields) def _format_tags(self): return ' ' + ' '.join(self.tags) + ' ' class Deck: def __init__(self, deck_id=None, name=None): self.deck_id = deck_id = name self.notes = [] self.models = {} # map of model id to model def add_note(self, note): self.notes.append(note) def add_model(self, model): self.models[model.model_id] = model def write_to_db(self, cursor, now_ts): for note in self.notes: self.add_model(note.model) models = {model.model_id: model.to_json(now_ts, self.deck_id) for model in self.models.values()} cursor.execute(APKG_COL, [, self.deck_id, json.dumps(models)]) for note in self.notes: note.write_to_db(cursor, now_ts, self.deck_id) def write_to_file(self, file): """ Write this deck to a .apkg file. """ Package(self).write_to_file(file) def write_to_collection_from_addon(self): """ Write to local collection. *Only usable when running inside an Anki addon!* Only tested on Anki 2.1. This writes to a temporary file and then calls the code that Anki uses to import packages. Note: the caller may want to use mw.checkpoint and mw.reset as follows: # creates a menu item called "Undo Add Notes From MyAddon" after this runs mw.checkpoint('Add Notes From MyAddon') # run import my_package.write_to_collection_from_addon() # refreshes main view so new deck is visible mw.reset() Tip: if your deck has the same name and ID as an existing deck, then the notes will get placed in that deck rather than a new deck being created. """ Package(self).write_to_collection_from_addon() class Package: def __init__(self, deck_or_decks=None, media_files=None): if isinstance(deck_or_decks, Deck): self.decks = [deck_or_decks] else: self.decks = deck_or_decks self.media_files = media_files or [] def write_to_file(self, file): dbfile, dbfilename = tempfile.mkstemp() os.close(dbfile) conn = sqlite3.connect(dbfilename) cursor = conn.cursor() now_ts = int(time.time()) self.write_to_db(cursor, now_ts) conn.commit() conn.close() with zipfile.ZipFile(file, 'w') as outzip: outzip.write(dbfilename, 'collection.anki2') media_json = dict(enumerate(self.media_files)) outzip.writestr('media', json.dumps(media_json)) for i, f in media_json.items(): outzip.write(f, str(i)) def write_to_db(self, cursor, now_ts): cursor.executescript(APKG_SCHEMA) for deck in self.decks: deck.write_to_db(cursor, now_ts) def write_to_collection_from_addon(self): """ Write to local collection. *Only usable when running inside an Anki addon!* Only tested on Anki 2.1. This writes to a temporary file and then calls the code that Anki uses to import packages. Note: the caller may want to use mw.checkpoint and mw.reset as follows: # creates a menu item called "Undo Add Notes From MyAddon" after this runs mw.checkpoint('Add Notes From MyAddon') # run import my_package.write_to_collection_from_addon() # refreshes main view so new deck is visible mw.reset() Tip: if your deck has the same name and ID as an existing deck, then the notes will get placed in that deck rather than a new deck being created. """ from aqt import mw # main window from anki.importing.apkg import AnkiPackageImporter with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as f: self.write_to_file( AnkiPackageImporter(mw.col,