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Update this file with any changes to the schema.

This file exists to explain data because sometimes the comments inside the .sqlite3 files need subsequent clarification or get outdated (and I can't edit them after flyway has run).

-- cache table, for quick retrieval of claims with type JoinAction
CREATE TABLE action_claim (
    jwtId CHARACTER(26),
    issuerDid VARCHAR(100),
    agentDid VARCHAR(100), -- DID of the acting entity (in subject & claim); did:ethr are 52 chars
    eventRowId BIGINT,
    eventOrgName VARCHAR(120),
    eventName VARCHAR(250),
    eventStartTime DATETIME

-- cache table, for quick retrieval of claims with type AgreeAction (or, in olden times, Confirmation)
CREATE TABLE confirmation (
    jwtId CHARACTER(26),
    issuer CHARACTER(100), -- DID of the confirming entity; did:ethr are 52 chars
    origClaim TEXT,
    origClaimCanonHashBase64 CHARACTER(44), -- base64 encoding of sha256 hash of the canonicalized claim

    -- This could be null if there was no explicit identifier or no claim found with matching data.
    -- This could happen in the case of a plan. It shouldn't, but we don't error in that case
    -- because we don't want to try and match on all that claim data at this point... that seems rare.
    origClaimJwtId TEXT,

    -- The following are cached entries of the data being confirmed.
    -- Note that some may be editable (eg. plans)... so beware that the
    -- confirmation is only for the JWT, at the time of the confirmation;
    -- these can be useful to help people see the latest values in an entity
    -- and detect changes, but they cannot be used as a definitive statement of
    -- who and how many confirmations are on particular data: that is only in
    -- origClaimJwtId.

    -- these are caches of the data in the origClaim, which may change to handle IDs in the future
    actionRowId BIGINT,
    orgRoleRowId INTEGER,
    tenureRowId INTEGER,

    -- this is obviously a handle ID already
    planHandleId TEXT

-- an event referenced by a JoinAction in the action_claim table
    orgName VARCHAR(120),
    name VARCHAR(250),
    startTime DATETIME

-- cache table, for quick retrieval of claims with type GiveAction
CREATE TABLE give_claim (
    handleId TEXT PRIMARY KEY,
    jwtId TEXT,
    issuedAt DATETIME,
    updatedAt DATETIME,

    issuerDid VARCHAR(100),

    -- note that did:peer are 58 chars
    agentDid TEXT, -- global ID of the entity who gave the item

    recipientDid TEXT, -- global ID of recipient

    fulfillsHandleId TEXT, -- global ID to the item to which this Give applies, currently always an offer
    fulfillsType TEXT, -- type of that ID (assuming context of, currently always "Offer"

    -- whether both giver and recipient have confirmed the fulfill relationship (boolean, 1 = confirmed)
    -- This does not mean that receipt of this give is confirmed,
    --  but that both sides of the child/parent relationship agree that this parentage is correct.)
    -- Note that, as long as this resides in the give_claim table, it means that the owner of the
    -- parent 'fulfills' object has confirmed the relationship because the creator of this plan
    -- owns the data and claimed the relationship so they obviously implicitly confirmed it.
    fulfillsLinkConfirmed INTEGER DEFAULT 0,

    -- This global, persistent plan ID is for the case where this is given to a
    -- broader plan that is nested inside the related data.
    fulfillsPlanHandleId TEXT,

    -- 1 if this is a gift, 0 if it's a transaction, null if unknown
    giveNotTrade INTEGER DEFAULT 0,

    -- These are if there is a TypeAndQuantityNode in the object.
    unit TEXT,
    amount REAL DEFAULT 0,

    -- If giving an object with an amount, the amount of this Give with the
    -- same unit that has been confirmed.
    -- If the Give doesn't have an "amount" object, this is just 1.
    -- This is only incremented if confirmed by the Give recipient or by
    -- the fulfills plan issuer or agent.
    amountConfirmed REAL DEFAULT 0,

    description TEXT,
    fullClaim TEXT -- full claim JSON
CREATE INDEX give_agentDid ON give_claim(agentDid);
CREATE INDEX give_recipientDid ON give_claim(recipientDid);
CREATE INDEX give_fulfillsId ON give_claim(fulfillsId);
CREATE INDEX give_fulfillsPlanId ON give_claim(fulfillsPlanId);
CREATE INDEX confirmed_jwt ON confirmation(origClaimJwtId);

-- cache table, for quick retrieval of GiveAction claims with a provider
CREATE TABLE give_provider (
    giveHandleId TEXT, -- handleId of the GiveAction to which the provider contributes
    providerId TEXT, -- DID or handle ID of the provider entity who helps make the give possible

    -- whether both giver and provider have confirmed this relationship (boolean, 1 = confirmed)
    -- (This does not mean that receipt is confirmed, but that both sides of
    --  the give/provider relationship agree that this linkage is correct.)
    linkConfirmed INTEGER DEFAULT 0
CREATE INDEX give_provider_give ON give_provider(giveHandleId);
CREATE INDEX give_provider_provider ON give_provider(providerHandleId);

-- table for all the raw incoming claims, before they are parsed and potentially stored in the other tables
    subject VARCHAR(100),
    claimType VARCHAR(60),
    claimContext VARCHAR(60),
    claim TEXT, -- canonical text of the JSON for the claim (but was it directly from the JWT at first?)
    claimCanonBase64 TEXT, -- base64 encoding of the canonicalized claim
    claimCanonHashBase64 CHARACTER(44), -- base64 encoding of sha256 hash of the canonicalized claim
    hashChainB64 CHARACTER(64), -- merkle tree of claimCanonHashBase64 values
    hashNonce CHARACTER(24) -- randomized 18 bytes (currently base64-encoded), kept private, used for nonceHashHex
    handleId TEXT, -- global IRI, used to update data via later claims (see also lastClaimId)
    issuedAt DATETIME,
    issuer CHARACTER(100), -- DID of the confirming entity; did:ethr are 52 chars
    jwtEncoded TEXT, -- the full original JWT

    -- This is the ID of the claim JWT to which this claim directly links.
    -- It is an internal ID, eg. 01D25AVGQG1N8E9JNGK7C7DZRD, but
    -- could be used for external, global IDs (but not internal global IDs).
    -- It's important because a handle ID points to content that can change
    -- over time, but when a claim refers to another then we want a
    -- reference to the exact claim that was seen at the time of the link,
    -- in case something substantial in the plan changed and no longer reflects
    -- the intent of the provider(s) of this claim.
    lastClaimId TEXT, -- the previous JWT ID for this entity, which the user is conceptually overwriting (see also handleId)

    nonceHashHex CHARACTER(64), -- hex of hash constructed with hashNonce to allow selective disclosure but to avoid correlation
CREATE INDEX jwt_entityId ON jwt(handleId);
CREATE INDEX jwt_claimHash on jwt (claimCanonHashBase64);

-- track all the visibility, where each subject can see each object
CREATE TABLE network (
    subject VARCHAR(100), -- DID of the entity who can see/reach the object
    object VARCHAR(100), -- DID of the entity who can be seen/reached by the subject
    url TEXT,
    CONSTRAINT both_unique UNIQUE (subject, object)

-- cache table, for quick retrieval of claims with type Offer
CREATE TABLE offer_claim (
    handleId TEXT PRIMARY KEY,
    jwtId TEXT,
    issuedAt DATETIME,
    updatedAt DATETIME,

    issuerDid VARCHAR(100),

    -- note that did:peer are 58 chars
    offeredByDid TEXT, -- global ID of the offering entity (issuer if it was sent empty)

    recipientDid TEXT, -- global ID of recipient (if any)

    fulfillsHandleId TEXT, -- full ID of itemOffered.isPartOf (if any)
    -- true if recipient (itemOffered.isPartOf) issuer has confirmed the link
    fulfillsLinkConfirmed INTEGER DEFAULT 0,

    -- full ID of PlanAction (if itemOffered.isPartOf is one)
    -- This is set if there's a last claim ID.
    fulfillsPlanHandleId TEXT,

    unit TEXT,
    amount REAL DEFAULT 0,

    -- amount of Gives with same unit
    -- does not count any that have no amounts
    amountGiven REAL DEFAULT 0,

    -- amount of Gives that have been confirmed for this offer with the same
    -- unit (see 'amountConfirmed' in give_claim)
    amountGivenConfirmed REAL DEFAULT 0,

    -- number of Gives with descriptions (ie. no object amount) that have
    -- been confirmed by the recipient
    nonAmountGivenConfirmed INTEGER DEFAULT 0,

    validThrough DATETIME,

    -- whether all requirements are satisfied (boolean, 1 = satisfied)
    requirementsMet INTEGER DEFAULT 1,

    objectDescription TEXT,
    fullClaim TEXT -- full claim JSON
CREATE INDEX offer_offeredByDid ON offer_claim(offeredByDid);
CREATE INDEX offer_recipientDid ON offer_claim(recipientDid);
CREATE INDEX offer_recipientPlanId ON offer_claim(recipientPlanHandleId);
CREATE INDEX offer_validThrough ON offer_claim(validThrough);

-- cache table, for quick retrieval of claims with type Organization with someone in an OrganizationRole
CREATE TABLE org_role_claim (
    jwtId CHARACTER(26),
    issuerDid VARCHAR(100), -- DID of the issuer (first one to create this claim); did:ethr are 52 chars
    orgName TEXT,
    roleName TEXT,
    startDate DATE,
    endDate DATE,
    memberDid TEXT -- DID of the member with the role; did:ethr are 52 chars

-- cache table, for quick retrieval of claims with type PlanAction
CREATE TABLE plan_claim (
    handleId TEXT,
    jwtId text PRIMARY KEY, -- updated to the latest JWT ID that updated this
    issuerDid TEXT, -- DID of the entity who recorded this; did:peer are 58 chars
    agentDid TEXT, -- DID of the plan owner/initiator; did:peer are 58 chars

    -- whether both giver and recipient have confirmed the fulfill relationship (boolean, 1 = confirmed)
    -- This does not mean that receipt is confirmed, but that both sides of
    --  the child/parent relationship agree that this parentage is correct.)
    -- Note that, as long as this resides in the plan_claim table, it means that the owner of the
    -- parent 'fulfills' object has confirmed the relationship because the creator of this plan
    -- owns the data and claimed the relationship so they obviously implicitly confirmed it.
    fulfillsLinkConfirmed INTEGER DEFAULT 0,

    -- This is the ID of the plan claim JWT to which this Plan directly links.
    -- It is typically an internal ID, eg. 01D25AVGQG1N8E9JNGK7C7DZRD, but
    -- also supports external, global IDs (but not internal global IDs).
    -- It's important because a handle ID points to content that can change
    -- over time, but when claiming that this fulfills a plan we want a
    -- reference to the exact claim that was seen at the time of the link,
    -- in case something substantial in the plan changed and no longer reflects
    -- the intent of the provider(s) of this Plan.
    fulfillsPlanClaimId TEXT,

    -- current plan contributes to another plan with this global plan ID
    fulfillsPlanHandleId TEXT,

    name TEXT,
    description TEXT,
    image TEXT,
    endTime DATE, -- should be DATETIME, but luckily it stores times already
    startTime DATE, -- should be DATETIME, but luckily it stores times already
    locLat REAL, -- approximate WGS 84 latitude (we don't request precision)
    locLon REAL, -- approximate WGS 84 longitude (we don't request precision)
    resultDescription TEXT,
    resultIdentifier TEXT,
    url TEXT
CREATE INDEX plan_issuerDid ON plan_claim(issuerDid);
CREATE INDEX plan_fullIri ON plan_claim(handleId);
CREATE INDEX plan_endTime ON plan_claim(endTime);
CREATE INDEX plan_fulfillsPlan on plan_claim (fulfillsPlanHandleId);
CREATE INDEX plan_resultIdentifier ON plan_claim(resultIdentifier);

-- cache table, for quick retrieval of claims with type Project
CREATE TABLE project_claim (
    jwtId TEXT PRIMARY KEY, -- updated to the latest JWT ID that updated this
    issuerDid TEXT, -- DID of the entity who recorded this; did:peer are 58 chars
    agentDid TEXT, -- DID of the plan owner/initiator; did:peer are 58 chars
    handleId TEXT,
    name TEXT,
    description TEXT,
    image TEXT,
    endTime DATE, -- should be DATETIME, but luckily it stores times already
    startTime DATE, -- should be DATETIME, but luckily it stores times already
    locLat REAL, -- approximate WGS 84 latitude (we don't request precision)
    locLon REAL, -- approximate WGS 84 longitude (we don't request precision)
    resultDescription TEXT,
    resultIdentifier TEXT,
    url TEXT
CREATE INDEX project_issuerDid ON project_claim(issuerDid);
CREATE INDEX project_fullIri ON project_claim(handleId);
CREATE INDEX project_endTime ON project_claim(endTime);
CREATE INDEX project_resultIdentifier ON project_claim(resultIdentifier);

-- cache table, for quick retrieval of claims with type RegisterAction
CREATE TABLE registration (
    did CHARACTER(100) PRIMARY KEY, -- DID of the registered entity; did:peer are 58 chars
    agent CHARACTER(100), -- DID of the registering entity; did:peer are 58 chars
    epoch INTEGER, -- unix epoch seconds
    jwtId CHARACTER(26),
    maxRegs INTEGER, -- allowed registrations per time period
    maxClaims INTEGER -- allowed claims per time period
CREATE INDEX registered_agent ON registration(agent);
CREATE INDEX registered_epoch ON registration(epoch);

-- cache table, for quick retrieval of claims with type Tenure
CREATE TABLE tenure_claim (
    jwtId CHARACTER(26),
    issuerDid VARCHAR(100), -- DID of the issuer (first one to create this claim); did:ethr are 52 chars
    partyDid VARCHAR(100), -- DID of the owning agent; did:ethr are 52 chars
    -- see basically contents of a WKT Polygon
    polygon TEXT,
    -- all WGS 84 (lat/long)
    westLon REAL, -- westernmost longitude
    minLat REAL,
    eastLon REAL, -- easternmost longitude
    maxLat REAL

-- cache table, for quick retrieval of claims with type VoteAction
CREATE TABLE vote_claim (
    jwtId CHARACTER(26),
    issuerDid VARCHAR(100), -- DID of the issuer (first one to create this claim); did:ethr are 52 chars
    actionOption TEXT,
    candidate TEXT,
    eventName TEXT,
    eventStartTime DATETIME