function [A_mn_sum, A_mn_matrix]=function_Amn(p_BS, centers_IRS, p_vehicle_trajectory, total_time, dx, dy) % Author: Ke(Ken)WANG from Macao Polytechnic University % Email:, % Update infomation: v0.8(2022/June/25) % License: This code is licensed under the GPLv2 license. If you in any way % use this code for research that results in publications, please cite our % original article. % % Example: % % TBD global c0 fc total_elements_number; lambda_c = c0/fc; %Note that p2 is IRS and p1 is BS. This gain is $G_T^{mn}$ %This is the gain from BS to IRS, that means this gain always euqals to 1 %since we assume the transceiver is isotropic G_BS_to_IRS_direction = function_antenna_gain_TR(total_elements_number); %This gain is $G_{mn}^T$. If the IRS is isotropic, the gain is 1, otherwise we use %"function_gain_IRS" to calculate the gain. G_IRS_to_BS_direction = function_gain_IRS(total_elements_number); %The first half part of eq(6) A_BS_IRS = lambda_c/(4*pi) * sqrt(G_BS_to_IRS_direction.*G_IRS_to_BS_direction)./vecnorm((centers_IRS-p_BS)'); A_mn_sum = []; A_IRS_Vehicle = []; A_mn_matrix = []; % size(A_mn_matrix) = total_time x M*N G_Vehicle_to_IRS_direction=[]; G_IRS_to_Vehicle_direction=[]; %This for-loop aims to calculate $G_R^{mn}(t)$ and $G_{mn}^R(t)$ in eq(6) %and its above content in the GC paper 2021 for t = 1 : total_time %This is the gain from Vehicle to IRS, $G_R^{mn}(t)$. That means this gain always euqals to 1 %since we assume the transceiver is isotropic temp_G_Vehicle_to_IRS_direction = function_antenna_gain_TR(total_elements_number); G_Vehicle_to_IRS_direction =[G_Vehicle_to_IRS_direction; temp_G_Vehicle_to_IRS_direction]; %This is the gain from IRS to Vehicle, $G_{mn}^R(t)$. If the IRS is isotropic, the gain is 1, otherwise we use %"function_gain_IRS" to calculate the gain. temp_G_IRS_to_Vehicle_direction = function_gain_IRS(total_elements_number); G_IRS_to_Vehicle_direction =[G_IRS_to_Vehicle_direction; temp_G_IRS_to_Vehicle_direction]; end %This for-loop aims to calculate $A_{m,n}$, i.e., eq(6), the GC paper 2021 for t = 1 : total_time %The second half part of eq(6) A_IRS_Vehicle = ... lambda_c/(4*pi) * sqrt(G_Vehicle_to_IRS_direction(t,:)... .*G_IRS_to_Vehicle_direction(t,:)) ./ vecnorm((p_vehicle_trajectory(t,:)-centers_IRS).'); %The entire eq(6) in the GC paper 2021 temp_A_mn_sum = sum(A_BS_IRS .* A_IRS_Vehicle); A_mn_sum = [A_mn_sum; temp_A_mn_sum]; %We also want to get a matrix that contains the exact gain of every %element during total time. It helps calculate the approximation of the %SE temp_A_mn_matrix = A_BS_IRS .* A_IRS_Vehicle; A_mn_matrix = [A_mn_matrix; temp_A_mn_matrix]; end end