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Utility to view stream message between server and client

Travis-CI Coverity Scan

Longer idea

tlslookieloo is a utility to help troubleshoot network-related issues between a server and client. A client will connect to tlslookieloo, who in turn, will connect to the target server. tlslookieloo will then store/display the unencrypted message between the two.


These are all minimum version

  • C++ 17 compatible compiler
  • cmake 3.13
  • OpenSSL 1.1.1
  • yaml-cpp 0.6


The following are included as submodules of this project:

  • googletest
  • log4cplus

Make sure to process the git submodule with --recurse accordingly.


This project has been tested on Debian 10 and macOS Catalina. Below are the steps used to compile on Debian 10:

  1. Install the following software packages:
    1. libssl-dev
    2. cmake
    3. libyaml-cpp
  2. git submodule update --recursive --init
  3. mkdir build
  4. cd build
  5. cmake ..
  6. cmake --build .
  7. ctest (make sure all passes)

Instructions for building on macOS is in the Building on macOS wiki page.

How to run

  1. cd to build directory from the previous section.
  2. Generate a self-signed TLS certificate openssl req -new -newkey rsa:4096 -x509 -sha256 -days 365 -nodes -out app1.crt -keyout app1.key
  3. Start tlslookieloo ./src/tlslookieloo -t../samples/targets.yaml
  4. Make the necessary system changes to resolve "" to the IP of the machine you're running tlslookieloo on.
  5. In a browser go to
  6. You should see a certificate warning if you're browser is connected to your tlslookieloo instance. Allow accordingly.
  7. The "Example" page should load
  8. Messages between your browser and's server are recorded in app1.msgs

See the User Guide for more information.

Docker container

A docker containers available on Docker Hub. Here's a sample invocation:

  1. Create a directory $HOME/docker-files to use as a bind mount.
  2. Place the certificate-key pair from "How to run" above in $HOME/docker-files
  3. Copy targets.yaml and from tlslookieloo/samples directory into the directory from the previou step.
  4. docker run -d -p 9988:9988 --name testrun --mount="type=bind,source=$HOME/docker-files,dst=/data" tlslookieloo:edge -t /data/docker.yaml -l /data/dockerlog.prop
  5. Open your browser and go to https://localhost:9988
  6. If all went well, the docker-files folder should now contain the app1.msgs and tlslookieloo.log files.