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Code for ICML 2019 paper "Probabilistic Neural-symbolic Models for Interpretable Visual Question Answering" [long-oral]


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Probabilistic Neural-symbolic Models

Code for our ICML 2019 paper:

Probabilistic Neural-Symbolic Models for Interpretable Visual Question Answering Ramakrishna Vedantam, Karan Desai, Stefan Lee, Marcus Rohrbach, Dhruv Batra, Devi Parikh


If you find this code useful, please consider citing:

  title={Probabilistic Neural-symbolic Models for Interpretable Visual Question Answering},
  author={Ramakrishna Vedantam and Karan Desai and Stefan Lee and Marcus Rohrbach and Dhruv Batra and Devi Parikh},

Setup and Dependencies

This codebase uses PyTorch v1.0 and provides out of the box support with CUDA 9 and CuDNN 7. The recommended way to set up this codebase is throgh Anaconda / Miniconda, as a developement package:

  1. Install Anaconda or Miniconda distribution based on Python3+ from their downloads' site.
  2. Clone this repository and create an environment:
git clone
conda create -n probnmn python=3.6
  1. Activate the environment and install all dependencies.
conda activate probnmn
cd probnmn-clevr/
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Install this codebase as a package in development version.
python develop

Data Preprocessing

  1. This codebase assumes all the data to be in $PROJECT_ROOT/data directory by default, although custom paths can be provided through config. Download CLEVR v1.0 dataset from here and symlink it as follows:
    |—— CLEVR_test_questions.json
    |—— CLEVR_train_questions.json
    |—— CLEVR_val_questions.json
    `—— images
        |—— train
        |   |—— CLEVR_train_000000.png
        |   `—— CLEVR_train_000001.png ...
        |—— val
        |   |—— CLEVR_val_000000.png
        |   `—— CLEVR_val_000001.png ...
        `—— test
            |—— CLEVR_test_000000.png
            `—— CLEVR_test_000001.png ...
  1. Build a vocabulary out of CLEVR programs, questions and answers, which can be read by AllenNLP, and will be used throughout the training and evaluation procedures. This will create a directory with separate text files containing unique tokens of questions, programs and answers.
python scripts/preprocess/ \
    --clevr-jsonpath data/CLEVR_train_questions.json \
    --output-dirpath data/clevr_vocabulary
  1. Tokenize programs, questions and answers of CLEVR training, validation (and test) splits using this vocabulary mapping. This will create H5 files to be read by
python scripts/preprocess/ \
    --clevr-jsonpath data/CLEVR_train_questions.json \
    --vocab-dirpath data/clevr_vocabulary \
    --output-h5path data/clevr_train_tokens.h5 \
    --split train
  1. Extract image features using pre-trained ResNet-101 from torchvision model zoo.
python scripts/preprocess/ \
    --image-dir data/images/train \
    --output-h5path data/clevr_train_features.h5 \
    --split train