This Katalon Studio plugin provides Slack integration functions.
The main purpose is to collect and send a summary report of an execution to a channel after the execution has completed.
- JDK 1.8
- Maven 3.3+
mvn clean package
- Install the Katalon Studio v6.0.3 or later: win32, win64, macOS, and linux64.
- Choose Plugin > Install Plugin in Katalon Studio main menu and select the generated jar file.
- Click on Slack toolbar button to configure Slack Integration settings that is under is under Plugins category of Project Settings.
- Uncheck Using Slack, and enter your Slack Authentication Token and a channel name.
- Click the Test Connection to check your credentials. If everything is OK, a message should be sent to Slack.
- Click the Apply button then OK to close the Project Settings dialog.
- Execute a test suite and wait for the execution finished, a summary message should be sent to your Slack channel.