'use strict'; var files = require('./angularFiles').files; var util = require('./lib/grunt/utils.js'); var versionInfo = require('./lib/versions/version-info'); var path = require('path'); var e2e = require('./test/e2e/tools'); module.exports = function(grunt) { //grunt plugins require('load-grunt-tasks')(grunt); grunt.loadTasks('lib/grunt'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('angular-benchpress'); var NG_VERSION = versionInfo.currentVersion; NG_VERSION.cdn = versionInfo.cdnVersion; var dist = 'angular-'+ NG_VERSION.full; //config grunt.initConfig({ NG_VERSION: NG_VERSION, bp_build: { options: { buildPath: 'build/benchmarks', benchmarksPath: 'benchmarks' } }, connect: { devserver: { options: { port: 8000, hostname: '', base: '.', keepalive: true, middleware: function(connect, options){ var base = Array.isArray(options.base) ? options.base[options.base.length - 1] : options.base; return [ util.conditionalCsp(), util.rewrite(), e2e.middleware(), connect.favicon('images/favicon.ico'), connect.static(base), connect.directory(base) ]; } } }, testserver: { options: { // We use end2end task (which does not start the webserver) // and start the webserver as a separate process (in travis_build.sh) // to avoid https://github.com/joyent/libuv/issues/826 port: 8000, hostname: '', middleware: function(connect, options){ var base = Array.isArray(options.base) ? options.base[options.base.length - 1] : options.base; return [ function(req, resp, next) { // cache get requests to speed up tests on travis if (req.method === 'GET') { resp.setHeader('Cache-control', 'public, max-age=3600'); } next(); }, util.conditionalCsp(), e2e.middleware(), connect.favicon('images/favicon.ico'), connect.static(base) ]; } } } }, tests: { jqlite: 'karma-jqlite.conf.js', jquery: 'karma-jquery.conf.js', docs: 'karma-docs.conf.js', modules: 'karma-modules.conf.js' }, autotest: { jqlite: 'karma-jqlite.conf.js', jquery: 'karma-jquery.conf.js', modules: 'karma-modules.conf.js', docs: 'karma-docs.conf.js' }, protractor: { normal: 'protractor-conf.js', travis: 'protractor-travis-conf.js', jenkins: 'protractor-jenkins-conf.js' }, clean: { build: ['build'], tmp: ['tmp'] }, jshint: { options: { jshintrc: true, }, node: { files: { src: ['*.js', 'lib/**/*.js'] }, }, tests: { files: { src: 'test/**/*.js' }, }, ng: { files: { src: files['angularSrc'].concat('!src/angular.bind.js') }, }, ngAnimate: { files: { src: 'src/ngAnimate/**/*.js' }, }, ngCookies: { files: { src: 'src/ngCookies/**/*.js' }, }, ngLocale: { files: { src: 'src/ngLocale/**/*.js' }, }, ngMessageFormat: { files: { src: 'src/ngMessageFormat/**/*.js' }, }, ngMessages: { files: { src: 'src/ngMessages/**/*.js' }, }, ngMock: { files: { src: 'src/ngMock/**/*.js' }, }, ngResource: { files: { src: 'src/ngResource/**/*.js' }, }, ngRoute: { files: { src: 'src/ngRoute/**/*.js' }, }, ngSanitize: { files: { src: 'src/ngSanitize/**/*.js' }, }, ngScenario: { files: { src: 'src/ngScenario/**/*.js' }, }, ngTouch: { files: { src: 'src/ngTouch/**/*.js' }, }, ngAria: { files: {src: 'src/ngAria/**/*.js'}, } }, jscs: { src: [ 'src/**/*.js', 'test/**/*.js', '!src/angular.bind.js' // we ignore this file since contains an early return statement ], options: { config: ".jscsrc" } }, build: { scenario: { dest: 'build/angular-scenario.js', src: [ 'bower_components/jquery/dist/jquery.js', util.wrap([files['angularSrc'], files['angularScenario']], 'ngScenario/angular') ], styles: { css: ['css/angular.css', 'css/angular-scenario.css'] } }, angular: { dest: 'build/angular.js', src: util.wrap([files['angularSrc']], 'angular'), styles: { css: ['css/angular.css'], generateCspCssFile: true, minify: true } }, loader: { dest: 'build/angular-loader.js', src: util.wrap(files['angularLoader'], 'loader') }, touch: { dest: 'build/angular-touch.js', src: util.wrap(files['angularModules']['ngTouch'], 'module') }, mocks: { dest: 'build/angular-mocks.js', src: util.wrap(files['angularModules']['ngMock'], 'module'), strict: false }, sanitize: { dest: 'build/angular-sanitize.js', src: util.wrap(files['angularModules']['ngSanitize'], 'module') }, resource: { dest: 'build/angular-resource.js', src: util.wrap(files['angularModules']['ngResource'], 'module') }, messageformat: { dest: 'build/angular-message-format.js', src: util.wrap(files['angularModules']['ngMessageFormat'], 'module') }, messages: { dest: 'build/angular-messages.js', src: util.wrap(files['angularModules']['ngMessages'], 'module') }, animate: { dest: 'build/angular-animate.js', src: util.wrap(files['angularModules']['ngAnimate'], 'module') }, route: { dest: 'build/angular-route.js', src: util.wrap(files['angularModules']['ngRoute'], 'module') }, cookies: { dest: 'build/angular-cookies.js', src: util.wrap(files['angularModules']['ngCookies'], 'module') }, aria: { dest: 'build/angular-aria.js', src: util.wrap(files['angularModules']['ngAria'], 'module') }, "promises-aplus-adapter": { dest:'tmp/promises-aplus-adapter++.js', src:['src/ng/q.js','lib/promises-aplus/promises-aplus-test-adapter.js'] } }, min: { angular: 'build/angular.js', animate: 'build/angular-animate.js', cookies: 'build/angular-cookies.js', loader: 'build/angular-loader.js', messageformat: 'build/angular-message-format.js', messages: 'build/angular-messages.js', touch: 'build/angular-touch.js', resource: 'build/angular-resource.js', route: 'build/angular-route.js', sanitize: 'build/angular-sanitize.js', aria: 'build/angular-aria.js' }, "ddescribe-iit": { files: [ 'src/**/*.js', 'test/**/*.js', '!test/ngScenario/DescribeSpec.js', '!src/ng/directive/attrs.js', // legitimate xit here '!src/ngScenario/**/*.js', '!test/helpers/privateMocks*.js' ], options: { disallowed: [ 'iit', 'xit', 'tthey', 'xthey', 'ddescribe', 'xdescribe' ] } }, "merge-conflict": { files: [ 'src/**/*', 'test/**/*', 'docs/**/*', 'css/**/*' ] }, copy: { i18n: { files: [ { src: 'src/ngLocale/**', dest: 'build/i18n/', expand: true, flatten: true } ] } }, compress: { build: { options: {archive: 'build/' + dist +'.zip', mode: 'zip'}, src: ['**'], cwd: 'build', expand: true, dot: true, dest: dist + '/' } }, shell: { "npm-install": { command: 'node scripts/npm/check-node-modules.js' }, "promises-aplus-tests": { options: { stdout: false, stderr: true, failOnError: true }, command: path.normalize('./node_modules/.bin/promises-aplus-tests tmp/promises-aplus-adapter++.js') } }, write: { versionTXT: {file: 'build/version.txt', val: NG_VERSION.full}, versionJSON: {file: 'build/version.json', val: JSON.stringify(NG_VERSION)} }, bump: { options: { files: ['package.json'], commit: false, createTag: false, push: false } } }); // global beforeEach task if (!process.env.TRAVIS) { grunt.task.run('shell:npm-install'); } //alias tasks grunt.registerTask('test', 'Run unit, docs and e2e tests with Karma', ['jshint', 'jscs', 'package','test:unit','test:promises-aplus', 'tests:docs', 'test:protractor']); grunt.registerTask('test:jqlite', 'Run the unit tests with Karma' , ['tests:jqlite']); grunt.registerTask('test:jquery', 'Run the jQuery unit tests with Karma', ['tests:jquery']); grunt.registerTask('test:modules', 'Run the Karma module tests with Karma', ['build', 'tests:modules']); grunt.registerTask('test:docs', 'Run the doc-page tests with Karma', ['package', 'tests:docs']); grunt.registerTask('test:unit', 'Run unit, jQuery and Karma module tests with Karma', ['test:jqlite', 'test:jquery', 'test:modules']); grunt.registerTask('test:protractor', 'Run the end to end tests with Protractor and keep a test server running in the background', ['webdriver', 'connect:testserver', 'protractor:normal']); grunt.registerTask('test:travis-protractor', 'Run the end to end tests with Protractor for Travis CI builds', ['connect:testserver', 'protractor:travis']); grunt.registerTask('test:ci-protractor', 'Run the end to end tests with Protractor for Jenkins CI builds', ['webdriver', 'connect:testserver', 'protractor:jenkins']); grunt.registerTask('test:e2e', 'Alias for test:protractor', ['test:protractor']); grunt.registerTask('test:promises-aplus',['build:promises-aplus-adapter','shell:promises-aplus-tests']); grunt.registerTask('minify', ['bower','clean', 'build', 'minall']); grunt.registerTask('webserver', ['connect:devserver']); grunt.registerTask('package', ['bower','clean', 'buildall', 'minall', 'collect-errors', 'docs', 'copy', 'write', 'compress']); grunt.registerTask('ci-checks', ['ddescribe-iit', 'merge-conflict', 'jshint', 'jscs']); grunt.registerTask('default', ['package']); };