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Easy to use, hmvc scalable web framework for any Node.js samurai

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Easy to use, hmvc scalable web framework for any Node.js samurai, focuses on simplicity, maintainability and performance.


  • Powerful, flexible classical router
  • Scalable through HMVC architecture
  • Environment based configuration
  • Application quick generators
  • Cookies and Session support
  • Templating, partials support
  • Fully non-blocking


Fastest way to get Katana is to install it with NPM:

$ npm install -g katana

Quick start

The quickest way to start is to utilize the Katana executable to generate an application:

$ katana create app
$ cd app
$ npm install

The app path is optional and is relative to current path.

Then you are ready to start the server:

$ node app

Basic application layout after creation will look like this:

├── app.js
├── application
│   ├── config
│   │   ├── development
│   │   │   ├── application.js
│   │   │   ├── routing.js
│   │   │   └── stores.js
│   │   └── production
│   ├── controllers
│   │   └── home.js
│   ├── models
│   └── views
│       └── index.html
├── modules
├── public
│   ├── images
│   ├── scripts
│   └── styles
└── temp


Classical routing is one the most powerful futures of Katana framework. It uses uri segments to determine the controller and action for a requested URI.
So unlike in other Node.js framework you may just add controllers and actions without the need to create routing rules, but also let you write your own rules which may change the path.
Without any rules, uri path will be treated as: https://katana:8000/`controller`/`action`/`arg1`/../`argN`

So if uri path is: https://katana:8000/account/login
Then controller=account and action=login.

If there no uri segments then default path will be used, home as controller and index as action.

You can also rewrite this path by set the routing rule, for example:

routes: [
  ['account/(.*)', 'auth/$1']

This will set controller=auth and action=login.

Or you may pass this request to mvc module:

routes: [
  ['account/(.*)', '#auth/actions/$1']

The # symbol meen that this request will pass to auth module, controller=actions and action=login.

!important: mvc modules may have their own routing rules.


In Katana modules can be used as mvc part or your application or as middleware.

For mvc modules you can use routing the same way as for main mvc.
Also you can run them as widgets by calling run method:


This will run list action of users controller from auth module.

Middleware modules can listen specific application events and interact as they need.

For example auth module can look like this:

var App = require('katana'); // or global.App
var User = App.Model('auth:user'); // get user model of auth module

// listen new request event
App.on('request', function(Request, Response, callback) {
  Request.user = new User(Request.session);

  callback(); // callback when we're done here, required for application to continue

and then in our controller we can access user object as Request.user.


Controllers are almost most important part of any application, they handle incoming requests and send responses.

A simple controller looks like this:

var App = require('katana');

require('joose'); // load Joose, great class system

// define our controller Class
Class('Home_Controller', {
  isa: App.Controller, // extend Katana Core Controller

  methods: {
    index: function(Response, Request) {
      Response.send('Hello World!');

module.exports = new Home_Controller;

And now we can access this index action by opening https://katana:8000/, without any uri path this will use default controller and action from config which are home and index. Also we can access them directly by opening https://katana:8000/`home`/ with index as default action or https://katana:8000/`home`/`index`.


Katana did not limit the developer to define a model in some way or to use a specific module. It just autoload all from the models directory of application or a module and store them in a local registry.

You can access them like this:

var App = require('katana'); // or global.App
var News = App.Model('news'); // get model object

To get a model from module you need to separate module name and model path with colon :, for example to get user model of auth module call: App.Model('auth:user').

Model file can look like this:

var App = require('katana');
var Mongoose = App.Store('mongoose'); // get mongoose connection, look at stores config file
var Schema = require('mongoose').Schema;

var User = new Schema({
  username: String,
  password: String,
  email: String,
  signed_at: Date,
  roles: ['user', 'moderator', 'administrator']

module.exports = Mongoose.model('User', User);


To render a view you can use a few methods:

var App = require('katana');
var View = App.View;


Class('Home_Controller', {
  isa: App.Controller,

  methods: {
    index: function(Response, Request) {
      // directly render and send a view content
      Response.render('index', { title: 'Hello World' }); // this will render index.html file from views

      // get rendered content
      var content = View.render('index', { title: 'Hello World' });
      // and latter send response

      // render a view from module
      Users.find({}, function(error, users) {
        if (error) { return Response.send('Error! Blablabla'); }

        // again module name separated by colon, and then path to the view
        var list = View.render('auth:list', users);

        Response.render('index', { users: list });

Controllers can also have their global data, which will be passed for the this.render calls:

var App = require('katana');


Class('Home_Controller', {
  isa: App.Controller,

  have: {
    // set global controller data
    data: {
      title: 'This is title for all pages for this controller',
      total_requests: 0

  methods: {
    index: function(Response) {
      // you can also set global controller data from actions
      this.set('copyright', 'blablabla');
      // or;
      // by render the view with this.render method, the controller data will pass to this view
      var content = this.render('index'); // <?-title?>, <?-total_requests?>
      // we may also rewrite globals by set them on render
      var content = this.render('index', { title: 'This is rewritted title', foo: 'bar' });


Katana application emit specific events for different steps. Few of them are available for middlewares, the others are for bootstrap control flow.

For example, auth module can listen request event to assign a user model for request (see Modules).

Or a chat module which need application server to create a server. var App = require('katana');

var socket_io = require('');
var io;

// ready event is emitted when Http.Server start listening
App.on('ready', function(callback) {
  io = socket_io.listen(App.server);

  io.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) {
    // …



Katana has build in module for supporting sessions. This gives you a way to associate data with each particular visitor of your app and have that data persist between requests.

Data stores

For now Katana support only 2 session data stores (more to come):

  • Memory (by default): useful for development. Session data is saved in memory at worker-process level, which means this will not work with cluster. Also, all sessions disappear when app is restarted.

  • Redis: Sessions are saved in a redis noSQL database and persist across app restarts. Requires a Redis server or clusters.

Using sessions

First of all you need to enable sessions in application config file. The default session config look like this:

session: {
  // enable or disable session support
	  enabled: true,
	  // session identifier name for cookie of
	  key_name: 'session_id',
	  // session id length
	  key_length: 32,
	  // lifetime before delete inactive session
	  lifetime: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7,
	  // session store, one from config/stores.js
	  store: 'redis',
  // default data for new sessions
	  defaults: {

Once you enable sessions, the session object will be assigned to each request and data will be loaded automatically from the session store. Then this object could be accessed as Request.session. For now available public methods are set, get and remove.

Example counter of user requests:

index: function(Response, Request) {
  var Session = Request.session;

  // get current requests count, default 0
  var counter = Session.get('requests', 0);


  // set new value
  Session.set('requests', counter);

  // Session data will be automatically saved in store before sending response
  // Also will save session id in the cookie with key_name from config
  Response.send('You have visited this page '+ counter +' times');


Anyone interested or who like the framework idea can contribute by sending new ideas, issues or pull requests. Any help would be appreciated.


The MIT License

Copyright © 2012 D.G. Shogun [email protected]


Easy to use, hmvc scalable web framework for any Node.js samurai






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