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Interactive roadmaps, guides and other educational content to help developers grow in their careers.
Drop in a screenshot and convert it to clean code (HTML/Tailwind/React/Vue)
Community interface for generative AI
Inpaint anything using Segment Anything and inpainting models.
m3u8[m3u8-downloader] 视频在线提取工具 流媒体下载 、视频下载 、 m3u8下载 、 B站视频下载 桌面客户端 windows mac
一个还算强大的Web思维导图。A relatively powerful web mind map.
坚持分享 GitHub 上高质量、有趣实用的开源技术教程、开发者工具、编程网站、技术资讯。A list cool, interesting projects of GitHub.
✨ Innovative and open-source visualization application that transforms various data formats, such as JSON, YAML, XML, CSV and more, into interactive graphs.
HTTP proxy written in Go. COW can automatically identify blocked sites and use parent proxies to access.
An interactive TLS-capable intercepting HTTP proxy for penetration testers and software developers.
AutoGPT is the vision of accessible AI for everyone, to use and to build on. Our mission is to provide the tools, so that you can focus on what matters.
🏆Gitee 最有价值开源项目 🚀:100: 小而全而美的第三方登录开源组件。目前已支持Github、Gitee、微博、钉钉、百度、Coding、腾讯云开发者平台、OSChina、支付宝、QQ、微信、淘宝、Google、Facebook、抖音、领英、小米、微软、今日头条、Teambition、StackOverflow、Pinterest、人人、华为、企业微信、酷家乐、Gitlab、美团、饿…
The official gpt4free repository | various collection of powerful language models
A modern download manager that supports all platforms. Built with Golang and Flutter.
A clean, elegant, beautiful and powerful admin template, based on Vue3, Vite5, TypeScript, Pinia, NaiveUI and UnoCSS. 一个清新优雅、高颜值且功能强大的后台管理模板,基于最新的前端技术栈,包括 Vue3, Vite5, TypeScript, Pinia, NaiveUI 和 …
Open source API development ecosystem - (open-source alternative to Postman, Insomnia)
☄🌌️ The minimal, blazing-fast, and infinitely customizable prompt for any shell!
Windows system utilities to maximize productivity
Fast and extensible multi-platform HTTP/1-2-3 web server with automatic HTTPS
基于大模型搭建的聊天机器人,同时支持 微信公众号、企业微信应用、飞书、钉钉 等接入,可选择GPT3.5/GPT-4o/GPT-o1/ Claude/文心一言/讯飞星火/通义千问/ Gemini/GLM-4/Claude/Kimi/LinkAI,能处理文本、语音和图片,访问操作系统和互联网,支持基于自有知识库进行定制企业智能客服。
Magnificent app which corrects your previous console command.
GUI for ChatGPT API and many LLMs. Supports agents, file-based QA, GPT finetuning and query with web search. All with a neat UI.