include::license.txt[] :language: C A tiny introduction to asynchronous IO ---------------------------------------- Most beginning programmers start with blocking IO calls. An IO call is _synchronous_ if, when you call it, it does not return unless and until the operation is completed, or until enough time has passed that your network stack gives up. When you call "connect()" on a TCP connection, for example, your operating system queues a SYN packet to the host on the other side of the TCP connection. It does not return control back to your application until either it receives a SYN ACK packet from the opposite host, or until enough time has passed that it decides to give up. Here's an example of a really simple client using blocking network calls. It opens a connection to, sends it a simple HTTP request, and prints the response to stdout. [code] ------- include::examples_01/01_sync_webclient.c[] ------- All of the network calls in the code above are _blocking_: the gethostbyname does not return until it has succeeded or failed in resolving; the connect does not return until it has connected; the recv calls do not return until they have received data or a close; and the send call does not return until it has at least flushed its output to the kernel's write buffers. Now, blocking IO is not necessarily evil. If there's nothing else you wanted your program to do in the meantime, blocking IO will work fine for you. But suppose that you need to write a program to handle multiple connections at once. To make our example concrete: suppose that you want to read input from two connections, and you don't know which connection will get input first. You can't say [code,C] ------- /* This won't work. */ while (i_still_want_to_read()) { for (i=0; imaxfd) maxfd = fd[i]; FD_SET(i, &readset); } /* Wait until one or more fds are ready to read */ select(maxfd+1, &readset, NULL, NULL, NULL); /* Process all of the fds that are still set in readset */ for (i=0; i < n_sockets; ++i) { if (FD_ISSET(fd[i], &readset)) { n = recv(fd[i], buf, sizeof(buf), 0); if (n == 0) { handle_close(fd[i]); } else if (n < 0) { if (errno == EAGAIN) ; /* The kernel didn't have any data for us to read. */ else handle_error(fd[i]); } else { handle_input(fd[i], buf, n); } } } } ------ And here's a reimplementation of our ROT13 server, using select() this time. [code,C] ------ include::examples_01/01_rot13_server_select.c[] ------ But we're still not done. Because generating and reading the select() bit arrays takes time proportional to the largest fd that you provided for select(), the select() call scales terribly when the number of sockets is high. footnote:[On the userspace side, generating and reading the bit arrays takes time proportional to the number of fds that you provided for select(). But on the kernel side, reading the bit arrays takes time proportional to the largest fd in the bit array, which tends to be around _the total number of fds in use in the whole program_, regardless of how many fds are added to the sets in select().] Different operating systems have provided different replacement functions for select. These include poll(), epoll(), kqueue(), evports, and /dev/poll. All of these give better performance than select(), and all but poll() give O(1) performance for adding a socket to one of the three sets, removing a socket, and for noticing that a socket in one of the three sets is ready for IO. Unfortunately, none of the efficient interfaces is a ubiquitous standard. Linux has epoll(), the BSDs (including Darwin) have kqueue(), Solaris has evports and /dev/poll... _and none of these operating systems has any of the others_. So if you want to write a portable high-performance asynchronous application, you'll need an abstraction that wraps all of these interfaces, and provides whichever one of them is the most efficient. And that's what the lowest level of the Libevent API does for you. It provides a consistent interface to various select() replacements, using the most efficient version available on the computer where it's running. Here's yet another version of our asynchronous ROT13 server. This time, it uses Libevent 2 instead of select(). Note that the fd_sets are gone now: instead, we associate and disassociate events with a struct event_base, which might be implemented in terms of select(), poll(), epoll(), kqueue(), etc. [code,C] ------- include::examples_01/01_rot13_server_libevent.c[] ------- (Other things to note in the code: instead of typing the sockets as "int", we're using the type evutil_fd_t. Instead of calling fcntl(O_NONBLOCK) to make the sockets nonblocking, we're calling evutil_make_socket_nonblocking. These changes make our code compatible with the divergent parts of the Win32 networking API.) What about convenience? (and what about Windows?) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You've probably noticed that as our code has gotten more efficient, it has also gotten more complex. Back when we were forking, we didn't have to manage a buffer for each connection: we just had a separate stack-allocated buffer for each process. We didn't need to explicitly track whether each socket was reading or writing: that was implicit in our location in the code. And we didn't need a structure to track how much of each operation had completed: we just used loops and stack variables. Moreover, if you're deeply experienced with networking on Windows, you'll realize that Libevent probably isn't getting optimal performance when it's used as in the example above. On Windows, the way you do fast asynchronous IO is not with a select()-like interface: it's by using the IOCP (IO Completion Ports) API. Unlike all the fast networking APIs, IOCP does not alert your program when a socket is _ready_ for an operation that your program then has to perform. Instead, the program tells the Windows networking stack to _start_ a network operation, and IOCP tells the program when the operation has finished. Fortunately, the Libevent 2 "bufferevents" interface solves both of these issues: it makes programs much simpler to write, and provides an interface that Libevent can implement efficiently on Windows _and_ on Unix. Here's our ROT13 server one last time, using the bufferevents API. [code,C] ------- include::examples_01/01_rot13_server_bufferevent.c[] ------- How efficient is all of this, really? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ XXXX write an efficiency section here. The benchmarks on the libevent page are really out of date.