import os import shutil import sys # import pip from Cython.Build import cythonize from setuptools import Distribution, Extension from setuptools.command import build_ext def build() -> None: compile_args = [] if sys.platform == "linux": compile_args += ["-Wno-pointer-sign", "-Wno-unused-variable"] extensions = [ Extension( "pyModeS.c_common", ["pyModeS/c_common.pyx"], extra_compile_args=compile_args, ), Extension( "pyModeS.decoder.flarm.decode", [ "pyModeS/decoder/flarm/decode.pyx", "pyModeS/decoder/flarm/core.c", ], extra_compile_args=compile_args, include_dirs=["pyModeS/decoder/flarm"], ), # Extension( # "pyModeS.extra.demod2400.core", # [ # "pyModeS/extra/demod2400/core.pyx", # "pyModeS/extra/demod2400/demod2400.c", # ], # extra_compile_args=compile_args, # include_dirs=["pyModeS/extra/demod2400"], # libraries=["m"], # ), ] ext_modules = cythonize( extensions, compiler_directives={"binding": True, "language_level": 3}, ) distribution = Distribution({"name": "extended", "ext_modules": ext_modules}) distribution.package_dir = "extended" # type: ignore cmd = build_ext.build_ext(distribution) cmd.verbose = True # type: ignore cmd.ensure_finalized() # type: ignore # Copy built extensions back to the project for output in cmd.get_output_mapping(): relative_extension = os.path.relpath(output, cmd.build_lib) shutil.copyfile(output, relative_extension) mode = os.stat(relative_extension).st_mode mode |= (mode & 0o444) >> 2 os.chmod(relative_extension, mode) if __name__ == "__main__": build()