All integration tests are in this module.
Now integration testing supports three modes, the Local Standalone mode, the Cluster mode and the Remote mode.
Integration testing with local standalone mode can be run with both maven and IDEs like IntelliJ.
If you want to run all tests include UT and IT, the maven command is:
mvn clean verify -P '!testcontainer,!influxdb-protocol'
Optionally, you can also only run IT, the maven command is:
mvn clean verify -Dsession.test.skip=true -Diotdb.test.skip=true -Dcluster.test.skip=true -Dtsfile.test.skip=true -pl integration -am
And if you want to run IT in the IDE like IntelliJ, you need to achieve the effect as the LocalStandalone
profile in maven. Follow Steps 1-4 to achieve it.
Step 4. Pay attention to the
Fork mode
inModify options
: you need to changeNone
inFork mode
You can also run the integration test in cluster mode. At present, we have implemented a pseudo cluster with five nodes. (As the test cases and the test environment are decoupled, we can easily implement a three-node cluster or even a docker-based cluster later.)
The maven command is:
mvn clean verify -Dsession.test.skip=true -Diotdb.test.skip=true -Dcluster.test.skip=true -Dtsfile.test.skip=true -pl integration -am -PCluster
Run in IntelliJ in cluster mode is so easy as the Local Standalone Mode above,
- Step 0. Optionally, when you run the test for the first time, or when you change the code of the module that the integration test module depends on, you may need to use the following command to generate
for nodes of the pseudo cluster.
mvn clean package -pl integration -am -DskipTests -PCluster
You can also run the integration test in remote mode. The remote server can be a standalone server or a server of a cluster.
The maven command is:
mvn clean verify -pl integration -am -PRemote -DRemoteIp= -DRemotePort=6777
For every end-user functionality provided by IoTDB, we should have an integration test verifying the correctness.
- The name of the test file must end with a suffix "IT"
- A test should be independent of other tests
- Tests are to be written in Junit style
- Put appropriate annotation
on the class or the test level
You can put the annotation @Category({LocalStandaloneTest.class, ClusterTest.class, RemoteTest.class})
on the class or the test level.
And you can use these annotations individually or in combination.
stands for you want your test run in the local standalone mode.
stands for you want your test run in the cluster mode.
stands for you want your test run in the remote mode.