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Datalevin Search Benchmark

To measure the performance of Datalevin search engine, we stacked it up against the most prominent full-text search library in the Java world, the venerable Apache Lucene.

Test Data

The data source is Wikipedia database backup dump, over 20GB XML compressed (downloaded 2023-01-10).

For our purpose, we use WikiExtractor, a python script, to extract all articles into a JSON file. Furthermore, we use jq to remove articles containing less than 500 characters (e.g. those only refer to other articles, empty articles, etc.) and strip away unneeded meta data, just leave the article text and the url as the identifier.


wikiextractor -o - --json --no-templates enwiki-latest-pages-articles.xml.bz2 |
jq -s '.[] | select((.text | length) > 500) | {url, text}' > data/wiki.json

This may take a few of hours to run, depending on your hardware. It produces a JSON file containing over 4.1 million articles, totaling 15 GB.

Test Queries

The test queries are downloaded from TREC 2009 Million Query Track. These are queries typed by real users on the Web. We remove unnecessary meta content and leaves query text only:

gzip -d
mv data/queries40k.txt
sed -i -e 's/\([0-9]\+\)\:[0-9]\:https://g' data/queries40k.txt

This produces a text file containing 40000 queries, totaling 685KB.

Test Conditions

The same conditions were applied to both Datalevin and Lucene:

  • Both run in the default settings.

  • A single thread was used to add all documents during indexing.

  • Indices were stored on the same disk as input data.

  • Punctuation and stop words were removed; the same stop words list was used in both Datalevin and Lucene; stemming was not performed, as per the default settings of Lucene ClassicAnalyzer.

  • Query terms were ORed together, per Lucene default. That is, documents matching any of the query terms are potential results.

  • Top 10 results were returned for each query, only URLs of the articles were returned.

  • Concurrent searches were performed by submitting each search query to a thread pool.

  • Tests were conducted on an Intel Core i7-6850K CPU @ 3.60GHz with 6 cores (12 virtual cores), 64GB RAM, 1TB SSD, running Ubuntu 22.04 and OpenJDK 17 (2022-10-18), with Clojure 1.11.1, with JVM flag -Xmx24G -Xms24G.

Once the data are prepared, to run the benchmarks, first install clojure, then run these commands:

clj -X:datalevin
clj -X:lucene



Indexing performance is in the following table.

Measure Datalevin Lucene
Index time (Minutes) 36 20
Index size (GB) 6.7 14
Index Speed (GB/Hour) 25 45

Lucene is close to twice as fast as Datalevin at bulk indexing. This is expected, as Datalevin transacts the indices to the database.

Datalevin's index is a single database file of 6.7 GB, while Lucene produced 168 files totaling 14 GB.

If :index-position? option is turned on, Datalevin took 50 minutes to index the same data, and produced an index file of 60 GB instead.


We varied the number of threads used for performing concurrent search. The results are the following:

Search Latency (ms)

Here's the average and percentile break-down of search latency (ms) for one search thread:

Percentile Datalevin Lucene
median 0.8 2.7
75 2.4 5.8
90 6.7 10.6
95 12.8 15.1
99 49.2 29.0
99.9 172.7 60.6
max 596.0 148.5
mean 3.5 4.7

Search latency are similar across the number of threads, with slightly longer time when more threads are used (with about 3 ms mean difference between 1 and 12 threads).

Datalevin is 75% faster on average, while more than 3 times faster at median than Lucene.

Datalevin has much longer query time at long tails though, bringing down the mean considerably. For queries with huge candidate set, the fixed cost of less optimized code adds up to overcome the superiority in algorithm. For example, the slowest query is "s", there's not much room for algorithmic cleverness here, the only solution is brutal-force iterating the whole 3 million matching documents.

Search Throughput (Query per Second)

Number of threads Datalevin Lucene
1 287.8 212.9
2 563.4 414.9
3 816.3 608.8
4 1081.1 805.3
5 1333.3 995.9
6 1509.4 1126.5
7 1562.5 1180.9
8 1612.9 1213.6
9 1673.6 1233.7
10 1731.6 1301.9
11 1834.9 1345.1
12 1806.7 1372.3
forkjoin 1839.1 1349.9

Datalevin has about 75% higher search throughput.

For both search engines, search throughput grows linearly with the number of real CPU cores, so search is a CPU bound task. Past the number of real cores, adding more threads improves search throughput very little. Using a work stealing thread pool does improve the throughput a bit than the maximum number of fixed thread pool.


Lucene query parser seems to be rather picky. We had to manually fix some queries for the test to run. E.g. Lucene crashed with the query ""ground beef recipes'" for the mismatched quotes. The parser did not support concurrent query. A new parser has to be created for each query, otherwise the program would crash if there were more than one thread searching. Basically, some engineering effort is required for it to be suitable for end user facing applications.

The design of Lucene and Datalevin search engine differs significantly, lending to different use cases.

Datalevin is designed as an operational database. Datalevin search engine stores search indices by transacting them into a LMDB database, and the documents are immediately searchable. Since LMDB has a single writer, having multiple indexing threads does little to improve the data ingestion speed. On the other hand, Lucene writes to multiple independent index segments and support great concurrency while indexing. Therefore, some use cases that Lucene family of search engines excels in, such as log ingestion, are not suitable for Datalevin.

Lucene has perhaps hundreds of man-years behind its development and is extremely configurable, while Datalevin search engine is embedded in a newly developed database with simplicity as its motto, so it does not offer any bells and whistles other than the core search features.

Datalevin search engine already performs very well, and it will be nicely integrated with other Datalevin database features to supports our goal of simplifying data access.