# VarianceComponentModels.jl *Utilities for fitting and testing variance component models* VarianceComponentModels.jl implements computation routines for fitting and testing variance component model of form $\text{vec}(Y) \sim \text{Nomral}(X B, \Sigma_1 \otimes V_1 + \cdots + \Sigma_m \otimes V_m),$ where $\otimes$ is the [Kronecker product](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kronecker_product). In this model, **data** is represented by * `Y`: `n x d` response matrix * `X`: `n x p` covariate matrix * `V=(V1,...,Vm)`: a tuple `m` `n x n` covariance matrices and **parameters** are * `B`: `p x d` mean parameter matrix * `Σ=(Σ1,...,Σm)`: a tuple of `m` `d x d` variance components ## Package Features - Maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) and restricted maximum likelihood estimation (REML) of mean parameters `B` and variance component parameters `Σ` - Allow constrains in the mean parameters `B` - Choice of optimization algorithms: [Fisher scoring](https://books.google.com/books?id=QYqeYTftPNwC&lpg=PP1&pg=PA142#v=onepage&q&f=false) and [minorization-maximization algorithm](http://arxiv.org/abs/1509.07426) - [Heritability Analysis](@ref) in genetics ## Installation Use the Julia package manager to install VarianceComponentModels.jl. ```julia Pkg.clone("https://github.com/OpenMendel/VarianceComponentModels.jl.git") ``` This package supports Julia `0.6`. ## Manual Outline ```@contents Pages = [ "man/mle_reml.md", "man/heritability.md", ] Depth = 2 ```