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Photon Cloud API - SDK integration as Unreal Engine 4 Plugin

This is a guide on how to integrate Photon with an existing UE4 project

For a reference project please go to

  1. Download all the photon sdks you want to use in your project from:

  2. Only the header files and pre-built libraries are required. Copy ,from each SDK using this template: Plugins\PhotonCloudAPI\Source\ThirdParty\Photon | +---lib | | +---Android | | (.a) | | +---iOS | | (.a) | | ---Windows | | (.lib) | | ---Mac | | (.lib) | | ---Linux | | (.lib) -only 64bits- | | ---PS4 | | (.lib) | | ---XBoxOne | | (.lib) | | ---Switch | | (.lib)

  3. Modify the Photon headers to workaround any incompatibility with the UE4 headers

3.1: rename all FLOAT to EG_FLOAT in these files (case sensitive)

  • Photon/Common-cpp/inc/Enums/TypeCode.h (around line 18)
  • Photon/Common-cpp/inc/Helpers/ConfirmAllowed.h (around line 46)
  • Photon/Common-cpp/inc/Helpers/ConfirmAllowedKey.h (around line 73)

3.2. Left only this two precompiler checks around line 14

#if defined _CPPRTTI || defined __GXX_RTTI

in this file : Photon/Common-cpp/inc/Helpers/TypeName.h

3.3. If you want to compile for Android, remove all the JString template definitions (you will need to do your own if you want to compare JString from the plugin):

 - File: Photon/Common-cpp/inc/JString.h
      - Comment all these functions (definition and implementation): see diff here:
    /*template<typename Etype> JString operator+(const JString& Lsh, const Etype& Rsh);
    template<typename Etype> JString operator+(const Etype& Lsh, const JString& Rsh);
    template<typename Etype> bool operator==(const JString& Lsh, const Etype& Rsh);
    template<typename Etype> bool operator==(const Etype& Lsh, const JString& Rsh);
    template<typename Etype> bool operator!=(const JString& Lsh, const Etype& Rsh);
    template<typename Etype> bool operator!=(const Etype& Lsh, const JString& Rsh);
    template<typename Etype> bool operator<(const JString& Lsh, const Etype& Rsh);
    template<typename Etype> bool operator<(const Etype& Lsh, const JString& Rsh);
    template<typename Etype> bool operator>(const JString& Lsh, const Etype& Rsh);
    template<typename Etype> bool operator>(const Etype& Lsh, const JString& Rsh);
    template<typename Etype> bool operator<=(const JString& Lsh, const Etype& Rsh);
    template<typename Etype> bool operator<=(const Etype& Lsh, const JString& Rsh);
    template<typename Etype> bool operator>=(const JString& Lsh, const Etype& Rsh);
    template<typename Etype> bool operator>=(const Etype& Lsh, const JString& Rsh);
    template<typename Etype> bool operator>=(const Etype& Lsh, const JString& Rsh);*/

More information and documentation here: