Personal Hammerspoon Spoons Repository
To use this you are expected to be running Hammerspoon and it is recommended to set up SpoonInstall for easy use of Spoons. See e.g. this guide for easy setup.
A menubar item containg the Github Pull Requests the user is part of. The list is split into three parts:
- Users own PRs
- PRs with review requests to be done
- PRs with review requests done
An entry is marked read when new activity has happened on it, and a checkmark on or dash indicates whether the PR is approved or has requests for change.
Clicking an entry opens the PR in the default browser.
The menubar item is simply a count of the number of PRs currently tracked.
If you are using SpoonInstall you can simply add this repo and use the andUse
function. A minimal setup example looks like this
spoon.SpoonInstall.repos.jsfr = {
url = "",
desc = "jsfr's Spoons,
branch = "main"
"PullRequests", {
config = {
keychainItem = "github_api_token"
repo = "jsfr",
start = true
You will also need a Personal Access Token stored in the Keychain under the name you chose in the setup. This token should have the repo
Once you have the token ready you can store it in the the keychain using the following command
security add-generic-password -a github_api_token -s github_api_token -w [INSERT API TOKEN]
A menubar item showing a list of spaces currently containing windows, as well as highlighting the currently active window.
The item comes with the expectation that you are using yabai as a window manager, and that you have between 1 and 10 spaces.
If you are using SpoonInstall you can simply add this repo and use the andUse
function. A minimal setup example looks like this
spoon.SpoonInstall.repos.jsfr = {
url = "",
desc = "jsfr's Spoons",
branch = "main"
spoon.SpoonInstall:andUse("YabaiSpaces", {repo = "jsfr"})
You will need to ensure that the hs
IPC cli is installed on your system which can be done by using the hs.ipc.cliInstall
To ensure that the signals which the spoon adds to yabai are always present you may also want to add the following command to your .yabairc
## Add signals for Hammerspoon Yabai Widget
hs -c "spoon.YabaiSpaces:add_signals()"
# go through all spaces to pick up all windows
active_space=$(yabai -m query --spaces --space | jq -r ".index")
last_space=$(yabai -m query --spaces | jq -r "[.[] | .index] | max")
for i in $(seq 1 "$last_space"); do yabai -m space --focus "$i"; sleep 0.1; done
yabai -m space --focus "$active_space"