static USAGE: &str = r#" Rename the columns of a CSV efficiently. The new column names are given as a comma-separated list of names. The number of column names given must match the number of columns in the CSV unless "_all_generic" is used. Change the column names of a CSV with three columns: $ qsv rename id,name,title Replace the column names with generic ones (_col_N): $ qsv rename _all_generic Add generic column names to a CSV with no headers: $ qsv rename _all_generic --no-headers Use column names that contains commas and conflict with the separator: $ qsv rename '"Date - Opening","Date - Actual Closing"' For more examples, see Usage: qsv rename [options] [--] [] qsv rename --help rename arguments: The new headers to use for the CSV. Separate multiple headers with a comma. If "_all_generic" is given, the headers will be renamed to generic column names, where the column name uses the format "_col_N" where N is the 1-based column index. Common options: -h, --help Display this message -o, --output Write output to instead of stdout. -n, --no-headers When set, the header will be inserted on top. -d, --delimiter The field delimiter for reading CSV data. Must be a single character. (default: ,) "#; use serde::Deserialize; use crate::{ config::{Config, Delimiter}, util, CliResult, }; #[derive(Deserialize)] struct Args { arg_input: Option, arg_headers: String, flag_output: Option, flag_no_headers: bool, flag_delimiter: Option, } pub fn run(argv: &[&str]) -> CliResult<()> { let mut args: Args = util::get_args(USAGE, argv)?; let rconfig = Config::new(&args.arg_input) .delimiter(args.flag_delimiter) .no_headers(args.flag_no_headers); let mut rdr = rconfig.reader()?; let mut wtr = Config::new(&args.flag_output).writer()?; let headers = rdr.byte_headers()?; if args.arg_headers.to_lowercase() == "_all_generic" { args.arg_headers = rename_headers_all_generic(headers.len()); } let mut new_rdr = csv::Reader::from_reader(args.arg_headers.as_bytes()); let new_headers = new_rdr.byte_headers()?; if headers.len() != new_headers.len() { return fail_incorrectusage_clierror!( "The length of the CSV headers ({}) is different from the provided one ({}).", headers.len(), new_headers.len() ); } wtr.write_record(new_headers)?; let mut record = csv::ByteRecord::new(); while rdr.read_byte_record(&mut record)? { wtr.write_record(&record)?; } Ok(wtr.flush()?) } pub fn rename_headers_all_generic(num_of_cols: usize) -> String { let mut generic_headers = String::new(); for i in 1..=num_of_cols { generic_headers.push_str(&format!("_col_{i},")); } // remove the trailing comma generic_headers.pop(); generic_headers }