static USAGE: &str = r#" Remove duplicate rows from an arbitrarily large CSV/text file using a memory-mapped, on-disk hash table. Unlike the 'dedup' command, this command does not load the entire file into memory to sort the CSV first before deduping it. This allows it to run in constant memory and the output will retain the input sort order. Also, this command is not specific to CSV data, it deduplicates any text file on a line-by-line basis. A duplicate count will be sent to . Usage: qsv extdedup [options] [] [] qsv extdedup --help extdedup options: --no-output Do not write deduplicated output to . Use this if you only want to know the duplicate count. -D, --dupes-output Write duplicates to . Note that the file will NOT be a valid CSV. It is a list of duplicate lines, with the row number of the duplicate separated by a tab from the duplicate line itself. -H, --human-readable Comma separate duplicate count. --memory-limit The maximum amount of memory to buffer the on-disk hash table. This is a percentage of total memory. [default: 10] Common options: -h, --help Display this message -Q, --quiet Do not print duplicate count to stderr. "#; use std::{ fs, io::{self, stdin, stdout, BufRead, Write}, }; use indicatif::HumanCount; use serde::Deserialize; use sysinfo::System; // use sysinfo::System::sysinfo; use crate::{config, odhtcache, util, CliResult}; #[derive(Deserialize)] struct Args { arg_input: Option, arg_output: Option, flag_no_output: bool, flag_dupes_output: Option, flag_human_readable: bool, flag_memory_limit: Option, flag_quiet: bool, } const MEMORY_LIMITED_BUFFER: u64 = 100 * 1_000_000; // 100 MB pub fn run(argv: &[&str]) -> CliResult<()> { let args: Args = util::get_args(USAGE, argv)?; // memory buffer to use for on-disk hash table, // if we can detect the total memory, use 10% of it by default // and up to --memory-limit (capped at 50%), // otherwise, if we cannot detect the free memory use a default of 100 MB let mem_limited_buffer = if sysinfo::IS_SUPPORTED_SYSTEM { let mut sys = System::new(); sys.refresh_memory(); (sys.total_memory() * 1000) / u8::min(args.flag_memory_limit.unwrap_or(10), 50) as u64 } else { MEMORY_LIMITED_BUFFER }; log::info!("{mem_limited_buffer} bytes used for memory buffer for on-disk hash table..."); let input_reader: Box = match &args.arg_input { Some(input_path) => { if input_path.to_lowercase().ends_with(".sz") { return fail_clierror!( "Input file cannot be a .sz file. Use 'qsv snappy decompress' first." ); } let file = fs::File::open(input_path)?; Box::new(io::BufReader::with_capacity( config::DEFAULT_RDR_BUFFER_CAPACITY, file, )) }, None => Box::new(io::BufReader::new(stdin().lock())), }; let mut output_writer: Box = match &args.arg_output { Some(output_path) => Box::new(io::BufWriter::with_capacity( config::DEFAULT_WTR_BUFFER_CAPACITY, fs::File::create(output_path)?, )), None => Box::new(io::BufWriter::with_capacity( config::DEFAULT_WTR_BUFFER_CAPACITY, stdout().lock(), )), }; let mut write_dupes = false; #[cfg(target_family = "unix")] let mut dupes_writer = if let Some(dupes_output) = args.flag_dupes_output { write_dupes = true; io::BufWriter::with_capacity( config::DEFAULT_WTR_BUFFER_CAPACITY, fs::File::create(dupes_output)?, ) } else { io::BufWriter::with_capacity( config::DEFAULT_WTR_BUFFER_CAPACITY, fs::File::create("/dev/null")?, ) }; #[cfg(target_family = "windows")] let mut dupes_writer = if let Some(dupes_output) = args.flag_dupes_output { write_dupes = true; io::BufWriter::with_capacity( config::DEFAULT_WTR_BUFFER_CAPACITY, fs::File::create(dupes_output)?, ) } else { io::BufWriter::with_capacity( config::DEFAULT_WTR_BUFFER_CAPACITY, fs::File::create("nul")?, ) }; let mut dedup_cache = odhtcache::ExtDedupCache::new(mem_limited_buffer); let mut dupes_count = 0_u64; let mut line_work = String::with_capacity(100); for (row_idx, line) in input_reader.lines().enumerate() { line_work.clone_from(&line?); if dedup_cache.contains(&line_work) { dupes_count += 1; if write_dupes { dupes_writer.write_all(format!("{row_idx}\t{line_work}\n").as_bytes())?; } } else { dedup_cache.insert(&line_work); if args.flag_no_output { continue; } output_writer.write_all(format!("{line_work}\n").as_bytes())?; } } dupes_writer.flush()?; output_writer.flush()?; if args.flag_quiet { return Ok(()); } eprintln!( "{}", if args.flag_human_readable { HumanCount(dupes_count).to_string() } else { dupes_count.to_string() } ); Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_extdedup_mem_check() { // check to see if sysinfo return meminfo without segfaulting let mut sys = System::new(); sys.refresh_memory(); let mem10percent = (sys.total_memory() * 1000) / 10; // 10 percent of total memory assert!(mem10percent > 0); }