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Apollo Inspector

Apollo Inspector is a Chrome extension designed for the open-source GraphQL client, Apollo Client.

Getting Started

To enable the Apollo Inspector extension to work, follow these instructions:

  1. Single Apollo Client Instance:

    • If your web app has a single instance of Apollo Client, attach it to the __APOLLO_CLIENT__ variable on the window object.
    window.__APOLLO_CLIENT__ = yourApolloClientInstance;
  2. Multiple Apollo Client Instances:

    • If your web app has multiple instances of Apollo Client, create an array (ClientObject[]) containing all these instances and attach it to the __APOLLO_CLIENTS__ variable on the window object.
    window.__APOLLO_CLIENTS__ = [apolloClientInstance1, apolloClientInstance2, ...];
    • Ensure that each Apollo Client instance is added to the array using following type.
    type ClientObject = {
      clientId: string;
      client: ApolloClient<NormalizedCacheObject>;

By following these steps, the Apollo Inspector extension can access the Apollo Client instance(s) from the window object, allowing you to debug and analyze GraphQL operations effectively.

This tool is particularly useful for debugging various issues related to GraphQL operations in Apollo Client. Here's an overview of the tool's functionalities:

Debuggable Issues

  1. Helps figuring out unwanted operations being executed in render phase
  2. Help in figuring out the reasons for multiple re-renders of the same watch query​
  3. Help figuring out issues with conflicting queries​
  4. Shows field name in case missing field error.
  5. Detailed time info lets you figure out if queries are being fired in Waterfall model or not.
  6. Helps figuring out if data is taking too much time to get written to cache.
  7. Shows why an operation failed

Built-in Features

  1. Operation Tracking:

    • Tracks various operations, including Query, Mutation, Subscription, and cache-related operations.
  2. Operation Information:

    • Provides detailed information for each operation, such as Operation Name, Type, Success/Failure status, Fetch policy, Execution time, Queued time, and Result size in KB.
  3. Filters:

    • Offers filters to refine the operations list based on:
      • Operation type (Query/Mutation/Subscription)
      • Results source (Cache/Network)
      • Operation status (Succeeded/Failed)
  4. Affected Queries:

    • Displays operations responsible for re-rendering a specific watch query in the "Affected Queries" view. Affected queries are the watch queries which re-rendered due to update in the Apollo cache store.
  5. Data Export:

    • Allows users to copy operations data in JSON format for further analysis.
  6. Cache:

    • Allows to copy whole Apollo cache data in JSON format.
    • Also one can clear or reset Apollo cache from configuration page.