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This is a repo for the OpenSC based minidriver only build, called OSCMD2. It features a CMake base build system and amendments for StarCOS card driver and a PKCS15 profile emulator.

Note: this repo is not synchronized with OpenSC anymore

OpenSC documentation

Wiki is available online

Please take a look at the documentation before trying to use OpenSC.

Travis CI Build Status AppVeyor CI Build Status Coverity Scan Status

Build and test status of specific cards:

Cards Status
Coolkey Coolkey

Building with CMake

It was tested with cmake 3.10.3, it should work with versions newer than 3.8, although for Visual Studio 15 v3.10 is required.

The cmake configuration builds the following OpenSC binaries:

  1. minidriver
  2. pkcs11 module
  3. opensc-explorer
  4. opensc-tool

and the following OpenSC libraties:

  1. common
  2. libopensc
  3. pkcs11
  4. pkcs15init
  5. scconf
  6. ui


  • can be built with or without OpenSSL (see Build Configuration below)
  • no OpenPace and Zlib support

Build Configuration

The following CMake configuration options are available:

Option Description
FILE_VERSION_MAJOR Major File Version (default 3)
FILE_VERSION_MINOR Minor File Version (default 0)
FILE_VERSION_FIX File Version Fix (default 0)
FILE_VERSION_REVISION File Version Revision (default 0)

The provided File Version will be used in the Version resource of the minidriver and p11 DLLs in order to allow build identification. The Product Version show the OpenSC Version unchanged.

Example build

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..\OpenSC -G "Visual Studio 15" \
cmake --build . --config Release
cmake --build . --config Debug

eSign/QES and JCOP4 NQ-Applet PKCS15 Emulators

PKCS15 Emulators were added for G&D StarCOS 3.x cards with an eSign/QES card profile and JCOP4 cards with NQ-Applet. The recommended opnesc.conf configuration file for such cards is the following:

app default {
	debug = 0;
	debug_file = "C:\log\opensc.log";

	reader_driver pcsc {
		enable_pinpad = false;

	card_drivers = starcos,nqapplet;

	framework pkcs15 {
		try_emulation_first = yes;
		builtin_emulators = esign_qes,nqapplet;

app cardmod {
	reader_driver cardmod {
		enable_pinpad = false;
		lock_login = false;
		enable_cache = true;