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What is the open oracle standard ?

Compound Finance announced in august 2019 on the Open Oracle standard.

It allows a Reporter (typically a trusted source like an exchange) to sign a message containing price data in a standardized way with a private key.

A Publisher can then use this signed message to put the price data on-chain.

Using the Reporter's public key to verify the message's signature, there is no need to trust the Publisher for correctly reporting the data from the Reporter.

In April 2020, Coinbase started providing an Open Oracle compatible signed price feed so that anyone can publish their data on chain. They were followed by Okx the same year.

This repository ports the on-chain verification contracts of the standard from Ethereum over to StarkNet.

Setup for development

Install Protostar. Clone the repository. Use python 3.7.

python -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Testing contracts (local contract deployment with protostar cool features takes some time so be patient)

protostar test tests/

Use protostar test --disable-hint-validation tests/ if using hints in the main Contract.

Using the client to publish signed prices

First you need to compile the contract to get its abi. It will be stored in build/OpenOraclePublisher_abi.json

protostar build

Then fill the necessary environment variables in client/.env(fill_and_rename_to.env and rename the file to .env. You will need:

  • your account private key as an integer
  • your account contract address
  • optionally, Coinbase API keys with “view” permission if you want to fetch signed prices from Coinbase.
    Note that OKX doesn't require any API keys to fetch its signed prices.

After that edit the function main() in client/ so you can choose your assets, and if you want to fetch prices either from:

  • okx (use c.publish_open_oracle_entries_okx)
  • coinbase (use c.publish_open_oracle_entries_coinbase)
  • both (use c.publish_open_oracle_entries_all_reporters).

Supported assets are :

  • BTC, ETH, DAI, ZRX, BAT, KNC, LINK, COMP (for both Coinbase and Okx)
  • XTZ, REP, UNI, GRT, SNX. (for Coinbase only)
async def main():
    c = OpenOracleClient()
    await c.publish_open_oracle_entries_all_reporters(assets=['btc', 'eth'])

Run locally

Make sure you have activated the virtual env and just run python client/

All updates will happen in one transaction.

Build and use a Docker container

docker build -t python-open-oracle-client .
docker run --env-file client/.env  python-open-oracle-client

Contract deployment and current address

To deploy the contract, just use protostar like this :

protostar build
protostar deploy build/OpenOraclePublisher.json --network alpha-goerli

The current version of the contract is deployed here :

The contract address is also stored in the variable OPEN_ORACLE_ADDRESS in client/