version: 1.9.1a+{build} image: - Visual Studio 2019 - Ubuntu - macOS # Do not build feature branch with open Pull Requests skip_branch_with_pr: true branches: only: - master - /\d*\.\d*\.\d*/ # note: on macOS the binary is built using Python 3.7 (installed via Homebrew), because # the shipped Python lacks libraries PyInstaller needs. stack: python 3.6 # note: 32 bit linux binary is build using docker for: - matrix: only: - image: Ubuntu services: - docker environment: PY_DIR: C:\Python36-x64 init: - cmd: set PATH=%PY_DIR%;%PY_DIR%\Scripts;%PATH% build: off artifacts: - path: "dist\\safety-win-i686.exe" name: "safety-win-i686.exe" - path: "dist\\safety-win-x86_64.exe" name: "safety-win-x86_64.exe" - path: "dist\\safety-linux-i686" name: "safety-linux-i686" - path: "dist\\safety-linux-x86_64" name: "safety-linux-x86_64" - path: "dist\\safety-macos-x86_64" name: "safety-macos-x86_64" install: - "python --version" - "python install" test_script: - "python test" - "python dist" deploy: - provider: GitHub description: 'Safety Binary Release' auth_token: secure: h8S0XqdLIUQIPPshQfVy/ytDZ8lSD5o17RzabHGGXz2p68UNcxbSKtbu179TlI0C on: APPVEYOR_REPO_TAG: true