= Credit Card API - Access Guide Version: {project-version} :toc: :sectanchors: :sectlinks: :toclevels: 6 :source-highlighter: highlightjs :homepage: https://github.com/jonyfs/credit-card-api [[overview]] == Overview NOTE: Credit Card Api is a RestFul application built with Spring Boot and Embedded MongoDB It's based on Level 3 of the famous http://martinfowler.com/articles/richardsonMaturityModel.html[Richardson Maturity Model]. This is one of the most discussed subjects about API design. This source code is hosted in {homepage}. [[endpointUrl]] == Endpoints |=== | Environment | Url | dev | link:{dev-endpoint-url}[{dev-endpoint-url}] | test | link:{test-endpoint-url}[{test-endpoint-url}] | production | link:{endpoint-url}[{endpoint-url}] |=== [[overview-http-verbs]] == HTTP verbs NOTE: RESTful notes tries to adhere as closely as possible to standard HTTP and REST conventions in its use of HTTP verbs. |=== | Verb | Usage | `GET` | Used to retrieve a resource | `POST` | Used to create a new resource |=== [[overview-http-status-codes]] == HTTP status codes NOTE: RESTful notes tries to adhere as closely as possible to standard HTTP and REST conventions in its use of HTTP status codes. |=== | Status code | Usage | `200 OK` | The request completed successfully | `201 Created` | A new resource has been created successfully. The resource's URI is available from the response's `Location` header | `204 No Content` | An update to an existing resource has been applied successfully | `400 Bad Request` | The request was malformed. The response body will include an error providing further information | `422 Unprocessable Entity` | The request was well-formed but was unable to be followed due to semantic errors. | `404 Not Found` | The requested resource did not exist |=== [[overview-hypermedia]] == Hypermedia NOTE: RESTful Notes uses hypermedia and resources include links to other resources in their responses. Responses are in http://stateless.co/hal_specification.html[Hypertext Application Language (HAL)] format. Links can be found benath the `_links` key. Users of the API should not created URIs themselves, instead they should use the above-described links to navigate from resource to resource. <<< [[resources]] == Resources include::index-resource.adoc[] <<< include::payment-resource.adoc[]