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This is an automatic Java translation of the ARPACK library:


The translation was done using f2j version 0.8.1:


I am not affiliated with the ARPACK project.  I had a few
users ask whether f2j could handle translating the ARPACK
library, so I hacked on f2j until it seemed to work.

This directory should contain the following files:

  README               - this file
  README.orig          - original ARPACK readme file
  INSTALL              - installation details
  CHANGES              - what has changed in this version
  Makefile             - top-level makefile
  make.def             - makefile definitions (paths, etc.)
  ERR                  - source code for XERBLA (error handling routine)
  BLAS                 - subset of BLAS routines used by ARPACK
  LAPACK               - subset of LAPACK routines used by ARPACK
  EXAMPLES             - directory containing examples of calling JARPACK
  DOCUMENTS            - original ARPACK documentation
  SRC                  - ARPACK source code
  UTIL                 - utility source code

The following jar files should exist:

  blas.jar             - the BLAS library
  lapack.jar           - the LAPACK library
  xerbla.jar           - LAPACK error reporting routine
  arpack.jar           - the ARPACK library
  arpack_util.jar      - the ARPACK utilities
  f2jutil.jar          - utilities required for running f2j translated code
  arpack_combined.jar  - all the above jar files combined into one

The blas and lapack jar files included in this distribution are built
from the code distributed with ARPACK, which includes a subset of the full
LAPACK library.  If you already have JLAPACK jar files in your CLASSPATH,
they should work fine too, so you can just append the arpack jar files.


1.  This release has not been tuned for performance - it is a simple,
    automatic translation.

2.  Some scalars must be wrapped in objects.  The wrapper classes are
    located in the org.netlib.util package.  Therefore, your code 
    should contain "import org.netlib.util.*;" to have access to the

    In addition, your code should import edu.rice.caam.arpack.Blah
    where Blah represents the routine your code calls.  See the
    example code in the EXAMPLES subdirectory

3.  See the warnings on recompilation in the INSTALL file.

4.  If you are using a JVM with a JIT complier and encounter a
    fault in calling JARPACK, try turning off the JIT and report
    the problem to [email protected].

5.  The appropriate jar files should be in your CLASSPATH:
    You may customize your error handling by replacing xerbla.jar
    with your own error reporting package.

6.  All array arguments are followed by an extra "offset" argument.
    This allows passing array subsections.

7.  It is important to keep this in mind when interfacing Java code
    to the JARPACK routines:  all multidimensional arrays are mapped 
    to one-dimensional arrays in the translated code and the original 
    column-major layout is maintained.

Contact [email protected] with any questions, comments, or suggestions.