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*** Copyright (c) 1997                           ***
*** Aart J.C. Bik             Indiana University *** 
*** All Rights Reserved                          ***
*** Please refer to the LICENSE file distributed ***
*** with this software for further details on    ***
*** the licensing terms and conditions.          ***
***                                              ***
*** Please, report all bugs, comments, etc.      ***
*** to: [email protected]               ***

JAVAB                      : The complete source of JAVAB, 
			     the LICENSE file, and this README.
JAVAB/DOC                  : Documentation of JAVAB (file VERSION summarizes 
                             changes with respect to previous releases).
JAVAB/EXAMPLES/CLASSES     : Source and class files of some examples.

Note that there are now two Java research tools available at the
HP-Java page at Indiana University:

*** JAVAR -- A prototype Java restructuring compiler.
    This restructuring compiler can be used to make loop parallelism 
    explicit at *source-code-level* using the multi-threading mechanism of 
    the Java programming language. In this tool, however, loop parallelism
    must be identified by the programmer by means of annotations.

*** JAVAB -- A prototype bytecode parallelization tool.
    This tool can be used to exploit loop parallelism directly at
    *bytecode-level* using the multi-threading mechanism of the JVM.
    In addition, the tool provides some elementary support for the
    automatic *detection* of implicit loop parallelism.

Documentation, manuals, LICENSE information, and the complete
source of both JAVAR and JAVAB are made available for education, 
research, and non-profit purposes at the HP-Java page:


Please keep in mind that both JAVAR and JAVAB are research
tools, and not robust commercial products. Anyway, please
send all your bug reports, but also other comments, experiences,
or suggestions to: [email protected]