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Architecting for Success

104 - Enterprise Grade Kubernetes


With Azure landing zones, you can start with a small implementation and expand over time. For more sophisticated environments, you can start with enterprise-scale implementation options. You need to evaluate any landing zone to be used for modern application platform solutions, no matter what implementation option you choose.

The AKS landing zone accelerator represents the strategic design path and target technical state for an Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) deployment. This solution provides an architectural approach and reference implementation to prepare landing zone subscriptions for a scalable Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster. The implementation adheres to the architecture and best practices of the Cloud Adoption Framework's Azure landing zones with a focus on the design principles of enterprise-scale.

You'll learn about design areas focused on:

  1. Azure billing and active directory tenant considerations
  2. Identity and access management
  3. Network topology and connectivity
  4. Resource organization
  5. Security and governance
  6. Platform automation and DevOps
  7. Scalability considerations
  8. Cost governance

With knowing the details we can start to build the landing zone with WDS and then starting with challenges.