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Why Mutator?

As the immutable object becomes the default pattern of functional programming language, such as Value Object in Java, and Data Class in Kotlin, even the immutable pattern has a lot of advantages, modifying properties of deeply nested immutable objects is still not very convenient, for example:

data class Person(
    val name: String,
    val address: Address

data class Address(
    val nation: Nation,
    val state: String,
    val street: String

data class Nation(
    val name: String,
    val code: String

If we want to modify the Person.address.nation.code, we have to write code like this:

val person = Person(...)
// ...
val clone = person.copy(
    address = person.address.copy(
        nation = person.address.nation.copy(
            code = "New Code"

Getting Started

  1. Add dependency into build.gradle or build.gradle.kts

    dependencies {
  2. Call the extension function mutate(...)

    val clone = person.mutate(Person::address, Address::nation, Nation::code, "New Code")

    The code above is equivalent to the following

    val clone = person.copy(
       address = person.address.copy(
           nation = person.address.nation.copy(
               code = "New Code"