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File metadata and controls

192 lines (128 loc) · 8.14 KB

workflowr 0.7.0


  • wflow_build() automatically opens the website after building files, thus it's not necessary to always run wflow_view() manually afterwards. If one file is built, then that file is opened. If more than one file is built, then the index page is opened. (#41)
  • wflow_build() adds objects to the global environment when building files locally in the R console (i.e. local = TRUE) (#53)


  • Bug fix so workflowr can process Emacs backup files that contain a tilde (#47)
  • Bug fix so print methods display properly in the R console (some did not end with a newline character)

workflowr 0.6.0

New function wflow_remove

  • wflow_remove() removes R Markdown files and all their associated files (e.g. HTML and figures)
  • If the files to be removed had been committed to the Git repository, the files are also removed from the Git repository (analogous to git rm)
  • wflow_remove() also works on non-Rmd files

Improved support for Windows

  • workflowr functions can now handle backslashes in filepaths
  • wflow_update() and wflow_convert() fail gracefully if the diff utility is not available and inform the user to install Rtools


  • Added continuous integration testing with Travis CI for macOS
  • Updated documentation in README, "Getting started" vignette, and FAQ

workflowr 0.5.1

This minor release fixes a bug in how filepaths are resolved so that workflowr can run on Windows.

workflowr 0.5.0

This release changes the interface of some of the main workflowr functions. The functions wflow_publish() and wflow_status() are introduced, and the previous functions wflow_build() and wflow_commit() are re-designed.


  • New function wflow_status() reports which analysis files require user attention (inspired by git status)

  • Defines R Markdown files whose HTML has been committed as part of the Git repo as "Published", R Markdown files which have been committed to the Git repo but not their HTML as "Unpublished", and R Markdown files that are untracked by Git as "Scratch". Furthermore, previously published files that have been subsequently edited are classified as "Modified". See the man page ?wflow_status for more details.


  • This new function replaces the previous functionality of wflow_commit(). The basic interface is much simpler.

  • wflow_publish("analysis/file.Rmd") will 1) commit analysis/file.Rmd, 2) build analysis/file.Rmd in its own separate R session with set.seed(12345), and 3) commit docs/file.html and any generated figures. These 3 steps are referred to as "publishing a file".

  • wflow_publish(all = TRUE) will publish all tracked analysis files, analogous to git commit -a.

  • To change the theme or make some other change to the entire site, run wflow_publish("analysis/_site.yml", republish = TRUE), which will 1) commit the configuration file analysis/_site.yml, 2) re-build all the previously published analysis files using the new configuration options, and 3) commit the re-built HTML files.


  • By default, wflow_build() runs in "Make"-mode, only building R Markdown files that have been updated more recently than their corresponding HTML files. If instead files are specfically stated, those files will be built.

  • By default, R Markdown files are now built each in their own separate R session (similar in function to the "Knit HTML" button in RStudio). This prevents undesirable behavior like sharing variables and loaded packages across separate files. Set local = TRUE to build the files in the local R console (useful for debugging, but otherwise discouraged).

  • By default, the seed for random number generation is set to the arbitrary number 12345 (using set.seed()). This ensures that any code that produces random numbers will be reproducible.


  • wflow_commit() has been demoted to only being a wrapper for the equivalent functionality of git add and git commit. This can be useful for committing non-analysis files or R Markdown files that you aren't ready to publish yet. However, you should use wflow_publish() for the standard workflow.

  • Set all = TRUE to run the equivalent of git commit -a.


  • Improved documentation of wflow_update() to better explain its functionality. It will attempt to convert all R Markdown files present to use the latest version of the workflowr R Markdown template; however, it will only commit R Markdown files that are tracked by Git.


  • All workflowr functions should now accept the file extesion .rmd in addition to .Rmd (Issue #10)

  • Replaced the shared argument path with project to clarify that this argument specifies the path to a directory in the workflowr project

  • wflow_start() now includes docs/.nojekyll

  • Change dependency to R >= 3.2.5 (Issue #32)

  • Change stringr dependency (>= 1.1.0)

  • Started a vignette with Frequently Asked Questions

  • Added sections to README (Quick start, Upgrading, Related work, and Citation)

workflowr 0.4.0


  • The wflow_start() API has been simplified. Now the first (and only required) argument is the directory to be created. By default, the name of the project will be determined from the directory name. For example, wflow_start("~/projects/proj-x") will create a workflowr project with the name "proj-x". To specify a different name, provide the argument name
  • New argument change_wd = TRUE changes the working directory to the newly created project.
  • New argument existing = FALSE is a safety feature so that by default workflowr projects are only created in new directories
  • wflow_start() no longer adds "BuildType: Website" to RStudio project file. Users should run wflow_build() instead. wflow_update() removes the build specification for existing workflowr projects
  • Fixed bugs related to relative paths and nested paths

workflowr R Markdown template

  • Updated workflowr R Markdown template can be built even if the user does not have workflowr installed
  • Use new function wflow_convert() to convert an R Markdown file based on the previous template to use the latest version
  • New optional "standalone" version of the workflowr template for creating files outside of a workflowr project (set standalone = TRUE for wflow_open())
  • Can create a workflowr R Markdown file outside of a workflowr project by setting path = NULL

Migrating an existing project to use workflowr

  • New vignette on "Migrating an existing project to use workflowr"
  • wflow_update() function updates workflowr projects to use the latest version of the template
  • wflow_convert() converts an existing R Markdown file to use the workflowr template (can also update a file that uses a previous version of the template)

Other new functions

  • wflow_view() opens the website in the browser
  • wflow_remotes() manages remote Git repositories on GitHub. It can add a remote, remove a remote, or update the URL for an existing remote

Improvements to the workflowr R package itself

workflowr 0.3.0

  • Second alpha release. Major API overhaul.

  • Improved naming of functions: start_project -> wflow_start, open_rmd -> wflow_open, build_site -> wflow_build, commit_site -> wflow_commit, create_results -> create_links_page

  • wflow_commit can optionally add and commit provided files (argument is commit_files) before re-building website and commiting HTML files

  • wflow_open accepts multiple filenames

  • Both wflow_build and wflow_commit have the argument all to optionally build all the HTML files

workflowr 0.2.0

  • First alpha release. Contains enough functions to create workflowr project from scratch.

  • Main functions: start_project, open_rmd, build_site, commit_site, create_results

workflowr 0.1.0

  • Initial demonstration of idea.