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LoadICE Version 1.4b

See the 'release' file for major features and differences 
from the old software:


The files that are included on the diskette are:

1	readme	- this file
2	release - release notes
3	loadice.h - header file of definitions
4	loadice.c - source code for command shell
5	buildimg.c - source code for image builder
6	sysdep.c - source code for system dependent stuff
7	makefile.* - make files to create 'loadice.exe' file
8	loadice2.hlp - help file for 'command' line
9	loadice.hlp - help file for 'dialog' mode
10	release.ini - example initialization file
11	loadice.exe - the executable image of loadice command
12	*.obj - object files for corresponding c modules
13	hex.exe - prints image files in hex
14	loadice.vms - command file for VMS
15	*.tut - tutorial files
16	loadice.ini - initialization file for tutorial

UNIX USERS: We have learned that on several UNIX machines the tty
device does not have read/write permissions set for other than 
root. Use 'chmod' command to set '/dev/ttyx' to allow LoadICE to work
from any user process.


PC and COMPATIBLES: Copy the 'loadice.exe' file to your command 
directory. Use file 'loadice.ini' and command line arguments to 
specify the operating parameters when invoking 'loadice'. Use 'batch' 
files to invoke command etc. Use the source files on the distribution 
diskette if you wish to make some changes to the code.  Use 
'makefile.pc' and the 'make' program utility to make new 
'loadice.exe' file.

UNIX MACHINES: Transfer software with some file transfer utility such 
as kermit. Use 'makefile.unx' to create the command 'loadice'. Define 
the compiler flags (-DUNIX, -DATNT or -DBSD) as appropriate for your
system. The ATNT define makes it an AT&T UNIX based and BSD makes it a 
Berkley Standard Distribution based. In addition to these defines there
is -DPI_BLOCK for compiling the version of code that sends out an entire
command sequence on single 'write' instead of just one character.

You must specify the output device (either in file 'loadice.ini' or 
on the command line) in form of '/dev/ttyn' etc.

VMS USERS: Transfer the software to VMS machine via some utility such 
as kermit. Edit the source files to remove NULLs from the end that 
are sometimes left by kermit.  Use the command file '' to 
invoke the compilation and linking of the executable module. The 
command to load the Promice is invoked by a DCL file named 
'loadice.vms'.  Do @loadice.vms and that will setup 'loadice' as
a command name, then on you should be able to type the command line
version of 'loadice' command as described in the manual. You may also
choose to define some of the command line arguments in loadice.vms so 
that they don't have to be typed on the command line every time.

OTHER SYSTEMS: The software is all written in C. Typically you will 
need to provide some code for every routine in 'sysdep.c' in order to 
port the software to other environments.

Report any problems to:

Grammar Engine, Inc.
3314 Morse Road
Columbus, Ohio 43229
(614) 471-1113