________________________ \ ________ __ __ ______/ \\ // // // \\ // // // \\ // // // // // \\// // // //_// \/ // // /__ / // _____ // \ __/ // \\ // \\// \/ ******************************** Tu-154b v.3.1 ********************************** Welcome to world of Russian Aviation! Before use of model, you MUST read documentation: Docs/tu154eng.pdf - in English, Docs/tu154rus.pdf - in Russian. There are Project Tupolev docs in Docs/PT_Docs for SVN version of model. If you want to get more information about plane and PT model for MSFS sim, you should read it. This is a very complex model, and it's not intended for beginners. ******************************** Installation *********************************** Unpack archive into $FGROOT/Aircraft/tu154b folder; under UNIX, you can place model into your home dir and create symlink. Install additional liveries: See tu154/Model/Liveries/README.txt. Prepare AI model. When you go to multiplay mode, and another player will use Tu-154b model, your computer will stall for long time (from 20 s to 2 min) and drop fps. To avoid this, low-poly model was created for AI/MP mode. It is included in FlightGear distributable. There are liveries support for AI models, so you will see planes of another players with right liveries. For low-poly model to work with it, install (or create symlink) your additional liveries into $FGROOT/AI/Aircraft/tu154b just as for regular model. Install additional navaids: See tu154/Docs/Navaids.txt. This model intend for FlightGear version 3.0 and devel. It does not support old FlightGear version (1.9.1, 2.0 or late), and you would not replace FDM file. If you want use older FG version, you may download appropriate version from http://yurik.flightgear.ru/tu154b-release/. Last stable FlightGear version tested: 2020.3.17. For our foreign friends, Don Lavelle has create set of textures. It translate most of signes in cabin to English, taking care about right terminology. To enable it see "Preferences" in "Tu-154B-2" menu after simulator startup. ********************************** !!! ******************************************* Under UNIX, be carefull with register of directory name. After changing main SVN server at Feb 16 2011, name of model directory (TU154B) has changed to (tu154b). ********************************** !!! ******************************************* ********************************** LICENSE *************************************** Roman Skoryh, author of original visual model of Tu-154B for Project Tupolev, gave permission for distribution of this model under GPL license. Since version 3.0, released at jule 2013, Tu-154b for FlightGear is distributed under GPL v.3. ********************************** Authors *************************************** Yurik V. Nikiforoff aka Yurik_nsk - FDM, 2D and 3D instruments, animations, systems and over Francisco Jerez - Bugfixes Tomash Brechko - Testing, programming Alfated - Textures, animations, testing Vitaliy.May and Co - Splash-screen, GPL liveries Soitanen.Michael - Testing and help Ruslan Gnatovsky aka Gnat - Nasal electrical system Specter - Friction coefficient module Stalker198033 - Picture for old splash-screen Don Lavelle aka Karla (www.flightgear.org) - Original english textures pack Ivan Strebkov aka ShFsn - Various model support and impovement since 2021 Egor Chistov aka rdinit - Cockpit tooltips Russian FlightGear community: BOG, Magic, VaLeo, AlexTochka, RealMike, AirAlex, Schneider, vlad32768, CAXAP, DimkaS - beta-testing Project Tupolev staff: Roman Skoryh - visual model, permission for GPL Stepan Gritsevsky - NVU and instruments guru Big thanks to Dmitry Kolesnik aka TenderCat - for consulting and support Welcome to http://flightgear.ru/forum ! (The site is unuavailable since 2022) Also welcome to discord server: https://discord.gg/YC2EYGK5Xf Yurik_NSK, your humble author, yurik.nsk@gmail.com; ShFsn, successor. September 2022