playWithAFriend=Play with a friend playWithTheMachine=Play with the machine toInviteSomeoneToPlayGiveThisUrl=To invite someone to play, give this URL gameOver=Game Over waitingForOpponent=Waiting for opponent waiting=Waiting yourTurn=Your turn aiNameLevelAiLevel=%s level %s level=Level toggleTheChat=Toggle the chat toggleSound=Toggle sound chat=Chat resign=Resign checkmate=Checkmate stalemate=Stalemate white=White black=Black randomColor=Random side createAGame=Create a game whiteIsVictorious=White is victorious blackIsVictorious=Black is victorious kingInTheCenter=King in the center threeChecks=Three checks raceFinished=Race finished variantEnding=Variant ending playWithTheSameOpponentAgain=Play with the same opponent again newOpponent=New opponent playWithAnotherOpponent=Play with another opponent yourOpponentWantsToPlayANewGameWithYou=Your opponent wants to play a new game with you joinTheGame=Join the game whitePlays=White to play blackPlays=Black to play theOtherPlayerHasLeftTheGameYouCanForceResignationOrWaitForHim=The other player may have left the game. You can claim victory, call the game a draw, or wait. makeYourOpponentResign=Make your opponent resign forceResignation=Claim victory forceDraw=Call draw talkInChat=Please be nice in the chat! theFirstPersonToComeOnThisUrlWillPlayWithYou=The first person to come to this URL will play with you. whiteCreatesTheGame=White creates the game blackCreatesTheGame=Black creates the game whiteJoinsTheGame=White joins the game blackJoinsTheGame=Black joins the game whiteResigned=White resigned blackResigned=Black resigned whiteLeftTheGame=White left the game blackLeftTheGame=Black left the game shareThisUrlToLetSpectatorsSeeTheGame=Share this URL to let spectators see the game theComputerAnalysisHasFailed=The computer analysis has failed viewTheComputerAnalysis=View the computer analysis requestAComputerAnalysis=Request a computer analysis computerAnalysis=Computer analysis analysis=Analysis board blunders=Blunders mistakes=Mistakes inaccuracies=Inaccuracies moveTimes=Move times flipBoard=Flip board threefoldRepetition=Threefold repetition claimADraw=Claim a draw offerDraw=Offer draw draw=Draw nbConnectedPlayers=%s players gamesBeingPlayedRightNow=Current games viewAllNbGames=%s Games viewNbCheckmates=%s Checkmates nbBookmarks=%s Bookmarks nbPopularGames=%s Popular games nbAnalysedGames=%s Analysed games bookmarkedByNbPlayers=Bookmarked by %s players viewInFullSize=View in full size logOut=Sign out signIn=Sign in newToLichess=New to Lichess? youNeedAnAccountToDoThat=You need an account to do that signUp=Register computersAreNotAllowedToPlay=Computers and computer-assisted players are not allowed to play. Please do not get assistance from chess engines, databases, or from other players while playing. Also note that making multiple accounts is strongly discouraged and excessive multi-accounting will lead to being banned. games=Games forum=Forum xPostedInForumY=%s posted in topic %s latestForumPosts=Latest forum posts players=Players minutesPerSide=Minutes per side variant=Variant variants=Variants timeControl=Time control realTime=Real time correspondence=Correspondence daysPerTurn=Days per turn oneDay=One day nbDays=%s days nbHours=%s hours time=Time rating=Rating ratingStats=Rating stats username=User name usernameOrEmail=User name or email password=Password haveAnAccount=Have an account? changePassword=Change password changeEmail=Change email email=Email emailIsOptional=Email is optional. Lichess will use your email address to reset your password if you forget it. passwordReset=Password reset forgotPassword=Forgot password? rank=Rank gamesPlayed=Games played nbGamesWithYou=%s games with you declineInvitation=Decline invitation cancel=Cancel timeOut=Time out drawOfferSent=Draw offer sent drawOfferDeclined=Draw offer declined drawOfferAccepted=Draw offer accepted drawOfferCanceled=Draw offer canceled whiteOffersDraw=White offers draw blackOffersDraw=Black offers draw whiteDeclinesDraw=White declines draw blackDeclinesDraw=Black declines draw yourOpponentOffersADraw=Your opponent offers a draw accept=Accept decline=Decline playingRightNow=Playing right now finished=Finished abortGame=Abort game gameAborted=Game aborted standard=Standard unlimited=Unlimited mode=Mode casual=Casual rated=Rated thisGameIsRated=This game is rated rematch=Rematch rematchOfferSent=Rematch offer sent rematchOfferAccepted=Rematch offer accepted rematchOfferCanceled=Rematch offer canceled rematchOfferDeclined=Rematch offer declined cancelRematchOffer=Cancel rematch offer viewRematch=View rematch play=Play inbox=Inbox chatRoom=Chat room spectatorRoom=Spectator room composeMessage=Compose message noNewMessages=No new messages subject=Subject recipient=Recipient send=Send incrementInSeconds=Increment in seconds freeOnlineChess=Free Online Chess spectators=Spectators: nbWins=%s wins nbLosses=%s losses nbDraws=%s draws exportGames=Export games ratingRange=Rating range giveNbSeconds=Give %s seconds premoveEnabledClickAnywhereToCancel=Premove enabled - Click anywhere to cancel thisPlayerUsesChessComputerAssistance=This player uses chess computer assistance thisPlayerArtificiallyIncreasesTheirRating=This player artificially increases/decreases their rating opening=Opening openingExplorer=Opening explorer takeback=Takeback proposeATakeback=Propose a takeback takebackPropositionSent=Takeback proposition sent takebackPropositionDeclined=Takeback proposition declined takebackPropositionAccepted=Takeback proposition accepted takebackPropositionCanceled=Takeback proposition canceled yourOpponentProposesATakeback=Your opponent proposes a takeback bookmarkThisGame=Bookmark this game search=Search advancedSearch=Advanced search tournament=Tournament tournaments=Tournaments tournamentPoints=Tournament points viewTournament=View tournament backToTournament=Return to tournament backToGame=Return to game freeOnlineChessGamePlayChessNowInACleanInterfaceNoRegistrationNoAdsNoPluginRequiredPlayChessWithComputerFriendsOrRandomOpponents=Free online Chess server. Play Chess now in a clean interface. No registration, no ads, no plugin required. Play Chess with the computer, friends or random opponents. teams=Teams nbMembers=%s members allTeams=All teams newTeam=New team myTeams=My teams noTeamFound=No team found joinTeam=Join team quitTeam=Leave team anyoneCanJoin=Free for all aConfirmationIsRequiredToJoin=A confirmation is required to join joiningPolicy=Joining policy teamLeader=Team leader teamBestPlayers=Best players teamRecentMembers=Recent members xJoinedTeamY=%s joined team %s xCreatedTeamY=%s created team %s averageElo=Average rating location=Location settings=Settings filterGames=Filter games reset=Reset apply=Apply leaderboard=Leaderboard pasteTheFenStringHere=Paste the FEN text here pasteThePgnStringHere=Paste the PGN text here fromPosition=From position continueFromHere=Continue from here importGame=Import game nbImportedGames=%s Imported games thisIsAChessCaptcha=This is a chess CAPTCHA. clickOnTheBoardToMakeYourMove=Click on the board to make your move, and prove you are human. notACheckmate=Not a checkmate colorPlaysCheckmateInOne=%s plays; checkmate in one move retry=Retry reconnecting=Reconnecting onlineFriends=Online friends noFriendsOnline=No friends online findFriends=Find friends favoriteOpponents=Favorite opponents follow=Follow following=Following unfollow=Unfollow block=Block blocked=Blocked unblock=Unblock followsYou=Follows you xStartedFollowingY=%s started following %s nbFollowers=%s followers nbFollowing=%s following more=More memberSince=Member since lastLogin=Last sign in challengeToPlay=Challenge to a game player=Player list=List graph=Graph lessThanNbMinutes=Less than %s minutes xToYMinutes=%s to %s minutes textIsTooShort=Text is too short. textIsTooLong=Text is too long. required=Required. openTournaments=Open tournaments duration=Duration winner=Winner standing=Standing createANewTournament=Create a new tournament join=Join withdraw=Withdraw points=Points wins=Wins losses=Losses winStreak=Win streak createdBy=Created by tournamentIsStarting=The tournament is starting membersOnly=Members only boardEditor=Board editor startPosition=Starting position clearBoard=Clear board savePosition=Save position loadPosition=Load position isPrivate=Private reportXToModerators=Report %s to moderators profile=Profile editProfile=Edit profile firstName=Given name lastName=Last name biography=Biography country=Country preferences=Preferences watchLichessTV=Watch Lichess TV previouslyOnLichessTV=Previously on Lichess TV todaysLeaders=Today's leaders onlinePlayers=Online players progressToday=Progress today progressThisWeek=Progress this week progressThisMonth=Progress this month leaderboardThisWeek=Leaders this week leaderboardThisMonth=Leaders this month activeToday=Active today activePlayers=Active players bewareTheGameIsRatedButHasNoClock=Beware, the game is rated but has no clock! training=Training yourPuzzleRatingX=Your puzzle rating: %s findTheBestMoveForWhite=Find the best move for white. findTheBestMoveForBlack=Find the best move for black. toTrackYourProgress=To track your progress: trainingSignupExplanation=Lichess will provide puzzles that match your ability, making for better training sessions. recentlyPlayedPuzzles=Recently played puzzles puzzleId=Puzzle %s puzzleOfTheDay=Puzzle of the day clickToSolve=Click to solve goodMove=Good move butYouCanDoBetter=But you can do better. bestMove=Best move! keepGoing=Keep going… puzzleFailed=Puzzle failed butYouCanKeepTrying=But you can keep trying. victory=Victory! giveUp=Give up puzzleSolvedInXSeconds=Puzzle solved in %s seconds. wasThisPuzzleAnyGood=Was this puzzle any good? pleaseVotePuzzle=Help lichess improve by voting, using the up or down arrow: thankYou=Thank you! ratingX=Rating: %s playedXTimes=Played %s times fromGameLink=From game %s startTraining=Start training continueTraining=Continue training retryThisPuzzle=Retry this puzzle thisPuzzleIsCorrect=This puzzle is correct and interesting thisPuzzleIsWrong=This puzzle is wrong or boring youHaveNbSecondsToMakeYourFirstMove=You have %s seconds to make your first move! nbGamesInPlay=%s games in play automaticallyProceedToNextGameAfterMoving=Automatically proceed to next game after moving autoSwitch=Auto switch openingId=Opening %s yourOpeningRatingX=Your opening rating: %s findNbStrongMoves=Find %s strong moves thisMoveGivesYourOpponentTheAdvantage=This move gives your opponent the advantage openingFailed=Opening failed openingSolved=Opening solved recentlyPlayedOpenings=Recently played openings puzzles=Puzzles coordinates=Coordinates openings=Openings latestUpdates=Latest updates tournamentWinners=Tournament winners name=Name description=Description no=No yes=Yes help=Help: createANewTopic=Create a new topic topics=Topics posts=Posts lastPost=Last post views=Views replies=Replies replyToThisTopic=Reply to this topic reply=Reply message=Message createTheTopic=Create the topic reportAUser=Report a user user=User reason=Reason whatIsIheMatter=What's the matter? cheat=Cheat insult=Insult troll=Troll other=Other reportDescriptionHelp=Paste the link to the game(s) and explain what is wrong about this user behavior. Don't just say "they cheat", but tell us how you came to this conclusion. Your report will be processed faster if written in English. by=by %s thisTopicIsNowClosed=This topic is now closed. theming=Theming donate=Donate blog=Blog questionsAndAnswers=Questions & Answers notes=Notes typePrivateNotesHere=Type private notes here gameDisplay=Game display pieceAnimation=Piece animation materialDifference=Material difference closeAccount=Close account closeYourAccount=Close your account changedMindDoNotCloseAccount=I changed my mind, don't close my account closeAccountExplanation=Are you sure you want to close your account? Closing your account is a permanent decision. You will no longer be able to login, and your profile page will no longer be accessible. thisAccountIsClosed=This account is closed. invalidUsernameOrPassword=Invalid username or password emailMeALink=Email me a link currentPassword=Current password newPassword=New password newPasswordAgain=New password (again) boardHighlights=Board highlights (last move and check) pieceDestinations=Piece destinations (valid moves and premoves) boardCoordinates=Board coordinates (A-H, 1-8) moveListWhilePlaying=Move list while playing chessClock=Chess clock tenthsOfSeconds=Tenths of seconds never=Never whenTimeRemainingLessThanTenSeconds=When time remaining < 10 seconds horizontalGreenProgressBars=Horizontal green progress bars soundWhenTimeGetsCritical=Sound when time gets critical gameBehavior=Game behavior premovesPlayingDuringOpponentTurn=Premoves (playing during opponent turn) takebacksWithOpponentApproval=Takebacks (with opponent approval) promoteToQueenAutomatically=Promote to Queen automatically claimDrawOnThreefoldRepetitionAutomatically=Claim draw on %sthreefold repetition%s automatically privacy=Privacy letOtherPlayersFollowYou=Let other players follow you letOtherPlayersChallengeYou=Let other players challenge you sound=Sound soundControlInTheTopBarOfEveryPage=The sound control is in the top bar of every page, on the right side. yourPreferencesHaveBeenSaved=Your preferences have been saved. none=None fast=Fast normal=Normal slow=Slow insideTheBoard=Inside the board outsideTheBoard=Outside the board onSlowGames=On slow games always=Always inCasualGamesOnly=In casual games only whenPremoving=When premoving whenTimeRemainingLessThanThirtySeconds=When time remaining < 30 seconds difficultyEasy=Easy difficultyNormal=Normal difficultyHard=Hard xLeftANoteOnY=%s left a note on %s xCompetesInY=%s competes in %s xAskedY=%s asked %s xAnsweredY=%s answered %s xCommentedY=%s commented %s timeline=Timeline seeAllTournaments=See all tournaments starting=Starting: allInformationIsPublicAndOptional=All information is public and optional. yourCityRegionOrDepartment=Your city, region, or province. biographyDescription=Tell about you, what you like in chess, your favorite openings, games, players… maximumNbCharacters=Maximum: %s characters. blocks=%s blocks listBlockedPlayers=List players that you have blocked human=Human computer=Computer side=Side clock=Clock unauthorizedError=Access is unauthorized. noInternetConnection=No internet connection. You can still play offline from the menu. connectedToLichess=You are now connected to signedOut=You have been signed out loginSuccessful=You are now signed in playOnTheBoardOffline=Over the board playOfflineComputer=Computer opponent=Opponent learn=Learn community=Community tools=Tools increment=Increment board=Board pieces=Pieces sharePGN=Share PGN playOnline=Play online playOffline=Play offline allowAnalytics=Allow anonymous statistics shareGameURL=Share game URL error.required=This field is required email address is invalid error.email_acceptable=This email address is not acceptable error.email_unique=This email address is already taken blindfoldChess=Blindfold chess (invisible pieces) moveConfirmation=Move confirmation inCorrespondenceGames=Correspondence games ifRatingIsPlusMinusX=If rating is ± %s onlyFriends=Only friends menu=Menu castling=Castling whiteCastlingKingside=White O-O whiteCastlingQueenside=White O-O-O blackCastlingKingside=Black O-O blackCastlingQueenside=Black O-O-O nbForumPosts=%s Forum Posts tpTimeSpentPlaying=Time spent playing: %s watchGames=Watch games tpTimeSpentOnTV=Time on TV: %s watch=Watch internationalEvents=International events videoLibrary=Video library mobileApp=Mobile App webmasters=Webmasters contribute=Contribute contact=Contact termsOfService=ToS sourceCode=Source Code simultaneousExhibitions=Simultaneous exhibitions host=Host createdSimuls=Newly created simuls hostANewSimul=Host a new simul noSimulFound=Simul not found noSimulExplanation=This simultaneous exhibition does not exist. returnToSimulHomepage=Return to simul homepage aboutSimul=Simuls involve a single player facing several players at once. aboutSimulImage=Out of 50 opponents, Fischer won 47 games, drew 2 and lost 1. aboutSimulRealLife=The concept is taken from real world events. In real life, this involves the simul host moving from table to table to play a single move. aboutSimulRules=When the simul starts, every player starts a game with the host, who gets to play the white pieces. The simul ends when all games are complete. aboutSimulSettings=Simuls are always casual. Rematches, takebacks and "moretime" are disabled. create=Create whenCreateSimul=When you create a Simul, you get to play several players at once. simulVariantsHint=If you select several variants, each player gets to choose which one to play. simulClockHint=Fischer Clock setup. The more players you take on, the more time you may need. simulAddExtraTime=You may add extra time to your clock to help cope with the simul. simulHostExtraTime=Host extra clock time lichessTournaments=Lichess tournaments tournamentFAQ=Arena tournament FAQ tournamentOfficial=Official timeBeforeTournamentStarts=Time before tournament starts averageCentipawnLoss=Average centipawn loss keyboardShortcuts=Keyboard shortcuts keyMoveBackwardOrForward=move backward/forward keyGoToStartOrEnd=go to start/end keyShowOrHideComments=show/hide comments keyEnterOrExitVariation=enter/exit variation keyYouCanDrawArrowsCirclesAndScrollToMove=Press shift+click or right-click to draw circles and arrows on the board. You can also scroll over the board to move in the game. newTournament=New tournament tournamentHomeTitle=Chess tournament featuring various time controls and variants tournamentHomeDescription=Play fast-paced chess tournaments! Join an official scheduled tournament, or create your own. Bullet, Blitz, Classical, Chess960, King of the Hill, Threecheck, and more options available for endless chess fun. tournamentNotFound=Tournament not found tournamentDoesNotExist=This tournament does not exist. tournamentMayHaveBeenCanceled=It may have been canceled, if all players left it before the tournament starts. returnToTournamentsHomepage=Return to tournaments homepage monthlyPerfTypeRatingDistribution=Monthly %s rating distribution nbPerfTypePlayersThisMonth=%s %s players this month. yourPerfTypeRatingisRating=Your %s rating is %s. youAreBetterThanPercentOfPerfTypePlayers=You are better than %s of %s players. youDoNotHaveAnEstablishedPerfTypeRating=You do not have an established %s rating.