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Thread Wars - A Meta Threads Clone

A Meta Threads clone to showcase implmentations on multiple platforms. This is very early in imlemention.

The first implementations is using NextJS, NestJS, and MongoDB. It uses Shadcn and Clerk libriaries to speed up the first iteration. The Authentication/Authorization implementation will move away for Clerk eventually.

Project Setup and Debugging Guide

This is a guide on how to build and debug the project, which consists of a frontend built with Next.js, a backend powered by NestJS, and MongoDB and Azure Storage for data storage.


Before you start, ensure you have the following installed:

  • Docker, I recommend Docker Desktop (for running development containers)
  • Node.js and npm (for running the projects locally without containers)
  • MongoDB (if you choose to run it locally instead of using a container)

Setting Up the Development Environment

Configure local environment variables

  1. Update frontend .env.local in the 'frontend' directory

      • Clerk Public key. Get this from your application configuration on the Clerk website
      • Clerk secret key. Get this from your application configuration on the Clerk website
      • The URL for the REST API for thread wars. The default is https://localhost:3080
  2. Update backend_nest *.env in the 'backend_nest' directory

    • NODE_ENV
      • Used to define the current environment in which the Node. js application is running
    • PORT
      • The port to that the rest api will be hosted on.
      • For the MongoDB Connection. The MongoDB connection host name.
      • For the MongoDB Connection. The username to use when authenticating with the MongoDB cluster.
      • For the MongoDB Connection. The password to use when authenticating with the MongoDB cluster.
      • For the MongoDB Connection. The name of the database where the related documents to ThreadWards are contained
      • The Azure account name. Azure storage is used by default for storing thread media.
      • The Azure storage account key. Azure storage is used by default for storing thread media.
      • The Azure storage container name for storing users avatars. Azure storage is used by default for storing thread media.
      • The Azure storage container name for storing thread media. Azure storage is used by default for storing thread media.
      • The Clerk issuer URL used to authenticate API requests.
      • The Clerk publishable key used to authenticate API requests.
      • The Clerk secret key used to authenticate API requests.

Running in Visual Studio Code and Dev Containers

  1. Open the Backend Container in Visual Studio Code Dev Container

    • Open the root project folder in Visual Studio Code
    • Use CMD (CNTL) - SHIFT - P and run Dev Containers: Rebuild and Reopen in Container
    • Select backend_nest
  2. Open the Frontend Container in a Visual Studio Code Dev Container

    • Open the root project folder in Visual Studio Code
    • Use CMD (CNTL) - SHIFT - P and run Dev Containers: Rebuild and Reopen in Container
    • Select frontend
  3. Start Debugging Backend_Nest

    • Inside the project there is a VS Code debug profile called Debug Nest Framework you can use to start the project.
  4. Start Debugging Frontend

    • Inside the project there is a VS Code debug profile called Debug Next Framework you can use to start the project.

Running with Dev Containers

  1. Start the Dev Containers:

    • Open your terminal.
    • Navigate to the project root directory.
    • Run docker-compose up -d to start the frontend, backend, and MongoDB containers in detached mode.
  2. Accessing the Containers:

    • To access the frontend container, use docker exec -it <frontend_container_name> /bin/bash.
    • For the backend container, use docker exec -it <backend_nestjs_container_name> /bin/bash.
  3. Installing Dependencies:

    • Inside each container, run npm install to install the necessary dependencies for the project.

Running Locally Without Containers

  1. Frontend (Next.js Project):

    • Navigate to the frontend directory: cd frontend.
    • Install dependencies: npm install.
    • Start the development server: npm run dev.
    • The frontend will be available at https://localhost:3000.
  2. Backend (NestJS Project):

    • Navigate to the backend directory: cd backend_nestjs.
    • Install dependencies: npm install.
    • Start the development server: npm run start:dev.
    • The backend API will be available at https://localhost:3001.
  3. MongoDB:

    • Ensure MongoDB is running on your local machine.
    • Configure the connection string in the backend project to point to your local MongoDB instance.


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