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File metadata and controls

156 lines (130 loc) · 4.34 KB


You probably know what you need to do anyways, but here is a compacted guide to not waste your time :)




sudo apt install postgresql postgresql-contrib


sudo pacman -S postgresql


sudo dnf install postgresql postgresql-server


Once installed make check if the postgresql server is running (or at least exists) with:

systemctl status postgresql

If it is not active use the following command to have it automatically start:

sudo systemctl enable --now postgresql

If it fails, don't worry we need to some configuration first.
Login and start a shell with the following command:

sudo -i -u postgres

In case the systemctl enable command failed, run this command to properly initialize a database file:

initdb -D /var/lib/postgres/data

Go ahead and rerun the systemctl command above.

Now we have to create a user with the following command:

createuser --interactive

It will ask for a username, if you input your linux username it will automatically grant you access with subsequent commands.
note: you can safely ignore usernames and passwords referenced in other documents this way.

Go ahead and exit the postgre user shell:


Finally we will create a database:

createdb myDatabaseName

And to verify everything works we open an interactive shell:

psql myDatabaseName

and then type quit to exit again

See the specific PostgreSQL instructions for further information.




Ubuntu <= 20.04

Simply install from the official repos:

sudo apt install mongodb mongo-tools

Ubuntu 20.10

As of Ubuntu 20.10 the mongodb package has been dropped from the official repos due to licensing, and thus a seperate PPA has to be added:

echo "deb [ arch=amd64,arm64 ] focal/mongodb-org/4.4 multiverse" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-org-4.4.list

Then update and install mongodb:

sudo apt update && sudo apt install mongodb-org

note: if you have upgraded from earlier versions make sure to remove /var/lib/mongodb and /var/log/mongodb before the installation.


The AUR has a pre-build which can be installed with any AUR helper.

yay -S aur/mongodb-bin aur/mongodb-tools-bin


Due to licensing Fedora chose not to include MongoDB in their repositories. So an additional step is required to get it installed.

sudo nano /etc/yum.repos.d/mongodb.repo

Copy paste this piece of text:

name=MongoDB Upstream Repository

Key sequence to save and quit: ctrl+x -> Y -> Enter

Then install as normal

sudo dnf install mongodb-org


Once installed make sure the mongodb server is running (or at least exists) with:

systemctl status mongodb

If its not active use the following command to have it automatically start:

sudo systemctl enable --now mongodb

Repeat systemctl status mongodb to make sure it is in fact running this time.

note: the service file depends on your distribution, on Arch its mongodb and on Fedora/Ubuntu 20.10 its mongod.

Then run the mongo command to open the interactive shell


If everything went well you can type

> quit()

to exit.

If it errors out saying the connection failed, reboot and try again.

See the specific MongoDB instructions for further information.
