const path = require('path'); const fs = require('fs'); const Module = require('module').Module; const originalRequire = Module._extensions['.js']; const EDPlugin = require('./plugin'); const electron = require('electron'); const splitRegex = /[^\S\r\n]*?(?:\r\n|\n)[^\S\r\n]*?\*[^\S\r\n]?/; const escapedAtRegex = /^\\@/; module.exports = class BDManager { static async setup() { this.defineGlobals(); this.jqueryElement = document.createElement('script'); this.jqueryElement.src = `//`; await new Promise(resolve => { this.jqueryElement.onload = resolve; document.head.appendChild(this.jqueryElement); }); = new MutationObserver((mutations) => { for (let i = 0, mlen = mutations.length; i < mlen; i++) this.fireEvent('observer', mutations[i]); });, {childList: true, subtree: true}); //this.currentWindow.webContents.on('did-navigate-in-page', BDManager.onSwitch); try { electron.ipcRenderer.invoke('bd-navigate-page-listener', BDManager.onSwitch); } catch(err) { throw new Error(`Could not add navigate page listener. ${err}\n${err.stack}`); }; fs.readFile(path.join(process.env.injDir, 'bd.css'), (err, text) => { if (err) return console.error(err); EDApi.injectCSS('BDManager', text); }); Module._extensions['.js'] = this.pluginRequire(); } static destroy() { EDApi.clearCSS('BDManager');; //this.currentWindow.webContents.removeEventListener('did-navigate-in-page', BDManager.onSwitch); try { electron.ipcRenderer.invoke('remove-bd-navigate-page-listener', BDManager.onSwitch); } catch(err) { throw new Error(`Could not remove navigate page listener. ${err}\n${err.stack}`); }; this.jqueryElement.remove(); Module._extensions['.js'] = originalRequire; } static onSwitch() { BDManager.fireEvent('onSwitch'); } static extractMeta(content) { const firstLine = content.split('\n')[0]; const hasOldMeta = firstLine.includes('//META'); if (hasOldMeta) return BDManager.parseOldMeta(content); const hasNewMeta = firstLine.includes('/**'); if (hasNewMeta) return BDManager.parseNewMeta(content); throw new Error('META was not found.'); } static parseOldMeta(content) { const meta = content.split('\n')[0]; const rawMeta = meta.substring(meta.lastIndexOf('//META') + 6, meta.lastIndexOf('*//')); if (meta.indexOf('META') < 0) throw new Error('META was not found.'); const parsed = EDApi.testJSON(rawMeta); if (!parsed) throw new Error('META could not be parsed.'); if (! throw new Error('META missing name data.'); parsed.format = 'json'; return parsed; } static parseNewMeta(content) { const block = content.split('/**', 2)[1].split('*/', 1)[0]; const out = {}; let field = ''; let accum = ''; for (const line of block.split(splitRegex)) { if (line.length === 0) continue; if (line.charAt(0) === '@' && line.charAt(1) !== ' ') { out[field] = accum; const l = line.indexOf(' '); field = line.substr(1, l - 1); accum = line.substr(l + 1); } else { accum += ' ' + line.replace('\\n', '\n').replace(escapedAtRegex, '@'); } } out[field] = accum.trim(); delete out['']; out.format = 'jsdoc'; return out; } static isEmpty(obj) { if (obj == null || obj == undefined || obj == '') return true; if (typeof(obj) !== 'object') return false; if (Array.isArray(obj)) return obj.length == 0; for (const key in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) return false; } return true; } static pluginRequire() { return function(moduleWrap, filename) { if (!filename.endsWith('.plugin.js') || path.dirname(filename) !== path.resolve(process.env.injDir, 'plugins')) return Reflect.apply(originalRequire, this, arguments); let content = fs.readFileSync(filename, 'utf8'); if (content.charCodeAt(0) === 0xFEFF) content = content.slice(1); // Strip BOM const meta = BDManager.extractMeta(content); meta.filename = path.basename(filename); moduleWrap._compile(content, filename); const noExport = BDManager.isEmpty(moduleWrap.exports); if (noExport) { content += `\nmodule.exports = ${};`; moduleWrap._compile(content, filename); } if (moduleWrap.exports.default) moduleWrap.exports = moduleWrap.exports.default; moduleWrap.exports = BDManager.convertPlugin(new moduleWrap.exports()); }; } static fireEvent(event, ...args) { const plugins = Object.values(ED.plugins); for (let p = 0; p < plugins.length; p++) { const plugin = plugins[p]; if (!plugin[event] || typeof plugin[event] !== 'function') continue; try { plugin[event](...args); } catch (error) { throw new Error(`Could not fire ${event} for plugin ${}.`); } } } static convertPlugin(plugin) { const newPlugin = new EDPlugin({ name: plugin.getName(), load: function() { if (plugin.load) plugin.load(); plugin.start(); }, unload: function() {plugin.stop();}, config: {}, bdplugin: plugin }); Object.defineProperties(newPlugin, { name: { enumerable: true, configurable: true, get() {return plugin.getName();} }, author: { enumerable: true, configurable: true, get() {return plugin.getAuthor();} }, description: { enumerable: true, configurable: true, get() {return plugin.getDescription();} } }); if (typeof plugin.getSettingsPanel == 'function') { newPlugin.settingsSectionName = plugin.getName(); newPlugin.generateSettingsSection = function() {return plugin.getSettingsPanel();}; newPlugin.getSettingsPanel = function() {return plugin.getSettingsPanel();}; } if (typeof plugin.onSwitch == 'function') newPlugin.onSwitch = function() {return plugin.onSwitch();}; if (typeof == 'function') = function(e) {return;}; return newPlugin; } static defineGlobals() { window.bdConfig = {dataPath: process.env.injDir}; window.bdplugins = window.bdthemes = window.pluginCookie = window.themeCookie = window.settingsCookie = {}; window.bdpluginErrors = window.bdthemeErrors = []; window.bdPluginStorage = {get: EDApi.getData, set: EDApi.setData}; window.Utils = {monkeyPatch: EDApi.monkeyPatch, suppressErrors: EDApi.suppressErrors, escapeID: EDApi.escapeID}; window.BDV2 = class V2 { static get WebpackModules() {return {find: EDApi.findModule, findAll: EDApi.findAllModules, findByUniqueProperties: EDApi.findModuleByProps, findByDisplayName: EDApi.findModuleByDisplayName};} static getInternalInstance(node) {return EDApi.getInternalInstance(node);} static get react() {return EDApi.React;} static get reactDom() {return EDApi.ReactDOM;} }; } };