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Pyrocast logo

This is a work in progress. I currently recommend that you use GNOME Podcasts.

Pyrocast is a podcast app for Linux phones that use gtk.


  • Browse or search iTunes podcasts.
  • Subscribe to podcasts.
  • Stream podcasts.


You need to have Rust installed.

You also need to have headers for gtk, libhandy, and gstreamer installed, as well as gst-plugins-bad. The instructions for doing so vary by OS (please feel free to add specifics here). In Ubuntu 20.04:

sudo apt-get install -y libgtk-3-dev libgstreamer1.0-dev libgstreamer-plugins-bad1.0-dev libhandy-0.0-dev

To build & run,

cargo run


The best method to cross compile will vary by what OS you use on your computer and what OS you use on your phone.

Here's what worked for me with the unofficial Arch Linux ARM for Pinephone on my phone:

  • Setup ssh on your phone (use another user and be sure to disable ssh for "alarm", which probably uses an insecure password).
  • Get it to build on the phone.
  • Copy everything over: rsync -avz [email protected]:/ /home/joshua/pine-sysroot

Then, build it. I recommend building it in release mode to minimize the size of the binary you need to copy over.

	CC_aarch64_unknown_linux_gnu=aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc \
	CXX_aarch64_unknown_linux_gnu=aarch64-linux-gnu-g++ \
	PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR=/home/joshua/pine-sysroot/usr/lib/pkgconfig:/home/joshua/pine-sysroot/usr/share/pkgconfig \
	PKG_CONFIG_SYSROOT_DIR=/home/joshua/pine-sysroot \
	LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/joshua/pine-sysroot/usr/lib \
	RUSTFLAGS="-C link-arg=--sysroot -C link-arg=/home/joshua/pine-sysroot" \
	cargo build --target aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu --release

Then, copy it over (the -C uses compression, which can be much faster):

scp -C ./target/aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu/release/pyrocast [email protected]:

On your phone, you can run it like:



Please do. Bugfixes and new features are very welcome.

Special thanks & prior art