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About fips

The R package fips makes it easier to merge geographic identifiers such as state FIPS, county FIPS, urban-rural codes, and BEA region codes. The following datasets are available:

  • fips::fips, fips::state, and fips::lower48:
    • State-level FIPS codes. (Source)
    • fips::fips contains 50 states, the District of Columbia, and the Outlying Areas of the United States.
    • fips::state contains 50 states and the District of Columbia.
    • fips::lower48 contains the 48 Contiguous Continental States and the District of Columbia.
  • fips::county:
    • 2010 county-level FIPS codes. (Source)
  • fips::nchs_urc:
    • NCHS Urban-Rural Classification Scheme for Counties. (Source)
  • fips::bea_region:

For a similar implementation in Stata, see statastates by wschpero.


# install.package("devtools")
devtools::install_github("jjchern/[email protected]")

# To uninstall the package, use:
# remove.packages("fips")


State-level FIPS code

#> # A tibble: 51 x 3
#>    fips  usps  state               
#>    <chr> <chr> <chr>               
#>  1 01    AL    Alabama             
#>  2 02    AK    Alaska              
#>  3 04    AZ    Arizona             
#>  4 05    AR    Arkansas            
#>  5 06    CA    California          
#>  6 08    CO    Colorado            
#>  7 09    CT    Connecticut         
#>  8 10    DE    Delaware            
#>  9 11    DC    District of Columbia
#> 10 12    FL    Florida             
#> # ... with 41 more rows

# fips::fips includes FIPS code for other outlying areas
#> # A tibble: 57 x 3
#>    fips  usps  state               
#>    <chr> <chr> <chr>               
#>  1 01    AL    Alabama             
#>  2 02    AK    Alaska              
#>  3 04    AZ    Arizona             
#>  4 05    AR    Arkansas            
#>  5 06    CA    California          
#>  6 08    CO    Colorado            
#>  7 09    CT    Connecticut         
#>  8 10    DE    Delaware            
#>  9 11    DC    District of Columbia
#> 10 12    FL    Florida             
#> # ... with 47 more rows
fips::fips %>% tail(10)
#> # A tibble: 10 x 3
#>    fips  usps  state                      
#>    <chr> <chr> <chr>                      
#>  1 53    WA    Washington                 
#>  2 54    WV    West Virginia              
#>  3 55    WI    Wisconsin                  
#>  4 56    WY    Wyoming                    
#>  5 60    AS    American Samoa             
#>  6 66    GU    Guam                       
#>  7 69    MP    Northern Mariana Islands   
#>  8 72    PR    Puerto Rico                
#>  9 74    UM    U.S. Minor Outlying Islands
#> 10 78    VI    U.S. Virgin Islands

2010 FIPS code for counties

#> # A tibble: 3,235 x 4
#>    usps  state   fips  county         
#>    <chr> <chr>   <chr> <chr>          
#>  1 AL    Alabama 01001 Autauga County 
#>  2 AL    Alabama 01003 Baldwin County 
#>  3 AL    Alabama 01005 Barbour County 
#>  4 AL    Alabama 01007 Bibb County    
#>  5 AL    Alabama 01009 Blount County  
#>  6 AL    Alabama 01011 Bullock County 
#>  7 AL    Alabama 01013 Butler County  
#>  8 AL    Alabama 01015 Calhoun County 
#>  9 AL    Alabama 01017 Chambers County
#> 10 AL    Alabama 01019 Cherokee County
#> # ... with 3,225 more rows

BEA Region codes for states

#> # A tibble: 51 x 7
#>    fips  usps  state  short_region_na… region_code region_name region_abbr
#>    <chr> <chr> <chr>  <chr>                  <int> <chr>       <chr>      
#>  1 09    CT    Conne… New England                1 New Englan… NENG       
#>  2 23    ME    Maine  New England                1 New Englan… NENG       
#>  3 25    MA    Massa… New England                1 New Englan… NENG       
#>  4 33    NH    New H… New England                1 New Englan… NENG       
#>  5 44    RI    Rhode… New England                1 New Englan… NENG       
#>  6 50    VT    Vermo… New England                1 New Englan… NENG       
#>  7 10    DE    Delaw… Mideast                    2 Mideast Re… MEST       
#>  8 11    DC    Distr… Mideast                    2 Mideast Re… MEST       
#>  9 24    MD    Maryl… Mideast                    2 Mideast Re… MEST       
#> 10 34    NJ    New J… Mideast                    2 Mideast Re… MEST       
#> # ... with 41 more rows

NCHS Urban Rural Codes

#> # A tibble: 3,147 x 10
#>    usps  statefip fips  county   code2013  code2006 code1990 cbsatitle    
#>    <chr> <chr>    <chr> <chr>    <dbl+lbl> <dbl+lb> <dbl+lb> <chr>        
#>  1 AL    01       01001 Autauga… 3         3        3        Montgomery, …
#>  2 AL    01       01003 Baldwin… 4         5        3        Daphne-Fairh…
#>  3 AL    01       01005 Barbour… 6         5        5        ""           
#>  4 AL    01       01007 Bibb Co… 2         2        6        Birmingham-H…
#>  5 AL    01       01009 Blount … 2         2        3        Birmingham-H…
#>  6 AL    01       01011 Bullock… 6         6        6        ""           
#>  7 AL    01       01013 Butler … 6         6        6        ""           
#>  8 AL    01       01015 Calhoun… 4         4        4        Anniston-Oxf…
#>  9 AL    01       01017 Chamber… 5         5        6        Valley, AL   
#> 10 AL    01       01019 Cheroke… 6         6        6        ""           
#> # ... with 3,137 more rows, and 2 more variables: cbsapop <dbl>,
#> #   ctypop <dbl>