DataHub's project documentation is hosted at
A Feature Guide should follow the Feature Guide Template, and should provide the following value:
- At a high level, what is the concept/feature within DataHub?
- Why is the feature useful?
- What are the common use cases of the feature?
- What are the simple steps one needs to take to use the feature?
When creating a Feature Guide, please remember to:
- Provide plain-language descriptions for both technical and non-technical readers
- Avoid using industry jargon, abbreviations, or acryonyms
- Provide descriptive screenshots, links out to relevant YouTube videos, and any other relevant resources
- Provide links out to Tutorials for advanced use cases
Not all Feature Guides will require a Tutorial.
A Tutorial is meant to provide very specific steps to accomplish complex workflows and advanced use cases that are out of scope of a Feature Guide.
Tutorials should be written to accomodate the targeted persona, i.e. Developer, Admin, End-User, etc.
Not all Tutorials require an associated Feature Guide.
- Store GIFs and screenshots in datahub-project/static-assets; this minimizes unnecessarily large image/file sizes in the main repo
- Center-align screenshots and size down to 70% - this improves readability/skimability within the site
Example snippet:
<p align="center">
<img width="70%" src=""/>
Use the "raw" GitHub image link (right click image from GitHub > Open in New Tab > copy URL):