# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: http://julialang.org/license immutable Complex{T<:Real} <: Number re::T im::T end Complex(x::Real, y::Real) = Complex(promote(x,y)...) Complex(x::Real) = Complex(x, zero(x)) const im = Complex(false,true) typealias Complex128 Complex{Float64} typealias Complex64 Complex{Float32} typealias Complex32 Complex{Float16} convert{T<:Real}(::Type{Complex{T}}, x::Real) = Complex{T}(x,0) convert{T<:Real}(::Type{Complex{T}}, z::Complex) = Complex{T}(real(z),imag(z)) convert{T<:Real}(::Type{T}, z::Complex) = isreal(z) ? convert(T,real(z)) : throw(InexactError()) convert(::Type{Complex}, z::Complex) = z convert(::Type{Complex}, x::Real) = Complex(x) promote_rule{T<:Real,S<:Real}(::Type{Complex{T}}, ::Type{S}) = Complex{promote_type(T,S)} promote_rule{T<:Real,S<:Real}(::Type{Complex{T}}, ::Type{Complex{S}}) = Complex{promote_type(T,S)} promote_op{T<:Real,S<:Real}(op, ::Type{Complex{T}}, ::Type{Complex{S}}) = Complex{promote_op(op,T,S)} promote_op{T<:Real,S<:Real}(op, ::Type{Complex{T}}, ::Type{S}) = Complex{promote_op(op,T,S)} promote_op{T<:Real,S<:Real}(op, ::Type{T}, ::Type{Complex{S}}) = Complex{promote_op(op,T,S)} widen{T}(::Type{Complex{T}}) = Complex{widen(T)} real(z::Complex) = z.re imag(z::Complex) = z.im real(x::Real) = x imag(x::Real) = zero(x) reim(z) = (real(z), imag(z)) real{T<:Real}(::Type{T}) = T real{T<:Real}(::Type{Complex{T}}) = T complex{T<:Real}(::Type{T}) = Complex{T} complex{T<:Real}(::Type{Complex{T}}) = Complex{T} isreal(x::Real) = true isreal(z::Complex) = imag(z) == 0 isimag(z::Number) = real(z) == 0 isinteger(z::Complex) = isreal(z) & isinteger(real(z)) isfinite(z::Complex) = isfinite(real(z)) & isfinite(imag(z)) isnan(z::Complex) = isnan(real(z)) | isnan(imag(z)) isinf(z::Complex) = isinf(real(z)) | isinf(imag(z)) complex(x::Real, y::Real) = Complex(x, y) complex(x::Real) = Complex(x) complex(z::Complex) = z function complex_show(io::IO, z::Complex, compact::Bool) r, i = reim(z) compact ? showcompact(io,r) : show(io,r) if signbit(i) && !isnan(i) i = -i print(io, compact ? "-" : " - ") else print(io, compact ? "+" : " + ") end compact ? showcompact(io, i) : show(io, i) if !(isa(i,Integer) && !isa(i,Bool) || isa(i,AbstractFloat) && isfinite(i)) print(io, "*") end print(io, "im") end complex_show(io::IO, z::Complex{Bool}, compact::Bool) = print(io, z == im ? "im" : "Complex($(z.re),$(z.im))") show(io::IO, z::Complex) = complex_show(io, z, false) showcompact(io::IO, z::Complex) = complex_show(io, z, true) function read{T<:Real}(s::IO, ::Type{Complex{T}}) r = read(s,T) i = read(s,T) Complex{T}(r,i) end function write(s::IO, z::Complex) write(s,real(z),imag(z)) end ## equality and hashing of complex numbers ## ==(z::Complex, w::Complex) = (real(z) == real(w)) & (imag(z) == imag(w)) ==(z::Complex, x::Real) = isreal(z) && real(z) == x ==(x::Real, z::Complex) = isreal(z) && real(z) == x isequal(z::Complex, w::Complex) = isequal(real(z),real(w)) & isequal(imag(z),imag(w)) if UInt === UInt64 const h_imag = 0x32a7a07f3e7cd1f9 else const h_imag = 0x3e7cd1f9 end const hash_0_imag = hash(0, h_imag) function hash(z::Complex, h::UInt) # TODO: with default argument specialization, this would be better: # hash(real(z), h $ hash(imag(z), h $ h_imag) $ hash(0, h $ h_imag)) hash(real(z), h $ hash(imag(z), h_imag) $ hash_0_imag) end ## generic functions of complex numbers ## conj(z::Complex) = Complex(real(z),-imag(z)) abs(z::Complex) = hypot(real(z), imag(z)) abs2(z::Complex) = real(z)*real(z) + imag(z)*imag(z) inv(z::Complex) = conj(z)/abs2(z) inv{T<:Integer}(z::Complex{T}) = inv(float(z)) -(z::Complex) = Complex(-real(z), -imag(z)) +(z::Complex, w::Complex) = Complex(real(z) + real(w), imag(z) + imag(w)) -(z::Complex, w::Complex) = Complex(real(z) - real(w), imag(z) - imag(w)) *(z::Complex, w::Complex) = Complex(real(z) * real(w) - imag(z) * imag(w), real(z) * imag(w) + imag(z) * real(w)) # handle Bool and Complex{Bool} # avoid type signature ambiguity warnings +(x::Bool, z::Complex{Bool}) = Complex(x + real(z), imag(z)) +(z::Complex{Bool}, x::Bool) = Complex(real(z) + x, imag(z)) -(x::Bool, z::Complex{Bool}) = Complex(x - real(z), - imag(z)) -(z::Complex{Bool}, x::Bool) = Complex(real(z) - x, imag(z)) *(x::Bool, z::Complex{Bool}) = Complex(x * real(z), x * imag(z)) *(z::Complex{Bool}, x::Bool) = Complex(real(z) * x, imag(z) * x) +(x::Bool, z::Complex) = Complex(x + real(z), imag(z)) +(z::Complex, x::Bool) = Complex(real(z) + x, imag(z)) -(x::Bool, z::Complex) = Complex(x - real(z), - imag(z)) -(z::Complex, x::Bool) = Complex(real(z) - x, imag(z)) *(x::Bool, z::Complex) = Complex(x * real(z), x * imag(z)) *(z::Complex, x::Bool) = Complex(real(z) * x, imag(z) * x) +(x::Real, z::Complex{Bool}) = Complex(x + real(z), imag(z)) +(z::Complex{Bool}, x::Real) = Complex(real(z) + x, imag(z)) function -(x::Real, z::Complex{Bool}) # we don't want the default type for -(Bool) re = x-real(z) Complex(re, - oftype(re, imag(z))) end -(z::Complex{Bool}, x::Real) = Complex(real(z) - x, imag(z)) *(x::Real, z::Complex{Bool}) = Complex(x * real(z), x * imag(z)) *(z::Complex{Bool}, x::Real) = Complex(real(z) * x, imag(z) * x) # adding or multiplying real & complex is common +(x::Real, z::Complex) = Complex(x + real(z), imag(z)) +(z::Complex, x::Real) = Complex(x + real(z), imag(z)) function -(x::Real, z::Complex) # we don't want the default type for -(Bool) re = x - real(z) Complex(re, - oftype(re, imag(z))) end -(z::Complex, x::Real) = Complex(real(z) - x, imag(z)) *(x::Real, z::Complex) = Complex(x * real(z), x * imag(z)) *(z::Complex, x::Real) = Complex(x * real(z), x * imag(z)) /(a::Real, z::Complex) = a*inv(z) /(z::Complex, x::Real) = Complex(real(z)/x, imag(z)/x) function /{T<:Real}(a::Complex{T}, b::Complex{T}) are = real(a); aim = imag(a); bre = real(b); bim = imag(b) if abs(bre) <= abs(bim) if isinf(bre) && isinf(bim) r = sign(bre)/sign(bim) else r = bre / bim end den = bim + r*bre Complex((are*r + aim)/den, (aim*r - are)/den) else if isinf(bre) && isinf(bim) r = sign(bim)/sign(bre) else r = bim / bre end den = bre + r*bim Complex((are + aim*r)/den, (aim - are*r)/den) end end inv{T<:Union{Float16,Float32}}(z::Complex{T}) = oftype(z, conj(widen(z))/abs2(widen(z))) /{T<:Union{Float16,Float32}}(z::Complex{T}, w::Complex{T}) = oftype(z, widen(z)*inv(widen(w))) # robust complex division for double precision # the first step is to scale variables if appropriate ,then do calculations # in a way that avoids over/underflow (subfuncs 1 and 2), then undo the scaling. # scaling variable s and other techniques # based on arxiv.1210.4539 # a + i*b # p + i*q = --------- # c + i*d function /(z::Complex128, w::Complex128) a, b = reim(z); c, d = reim(w) half = 0.5 two = 2.0 ab = max(abs(a), abs(b)) cd = max(abs(c), abs(d)) ov = realmax(a) un = realmin(a) ϵ = eps(Float64) bs = two/(ϵ*ϵ) s = 1.0 ab >= half*ov && (a=half*a; b=half*b; s=two*s ) # scale down a,b cd >= half*ov && (c=half*c; d=half*d; s=s*half) # scale down c,d ab <= un*two/ϵ && (a=a*bs; b=b*bs; s=s/bs ) # scale up a,b cd <= un*two/ϵ && (c=c*bs; d=d*bs; s=s*bs ) # scale up c,d abs(d)<=abs(c) ? ((p,q)=robust_cdiv1(a,b,c,d) ) : ((p,q)=robust_cdiv1(b,a,d,c); q=-q) return Complex128(p*s,q*s) # undo scaling end function robust_cdiv1(a::Float64, b::Float64, c::Float64, d::Float64) r = d/c t = 1.0/(c+d*r) p = robust_cdiv2(a,b,c,d,r,t) q = robust_cdiv2(b,-a,c,d,r,t) return p,q end function robust_cdiv2(a::Float64, b::Float64, c::Float64, d::Float64, r::Float64, t::Float64) if r != 0 br = b*r return (br != 0 ? (a+br)*t : a*t + (b*t)*r) else return (a + d*(b/c)) * t end end function inv(w::Complex128) c, d = reim(w) half = 0.5 two = 2.0 cd = max(abs(c), abs(d)) ov = realmax(c) un = realmin(c) ϵ = eps(Float64) bs = two/(ϵ*ϵ) s = 1.0 cd >= half*ov && (c=half*c; d=half*d; s=s*half) # scale down c,d cd <= un*two/ϵ && (c=c*bs; d=d*bs; s=s*bs ) # scale up c,d if abs(d)<=abs(c) r = d/c t = 1.0/(c+d*r) p = t q = -r * t else c, d = d, c r = d/c t = 1.0/(c+d*r) p = r * t q = -t end return Complex128(p*s,q*s) # undo scaling end function ssqs{T<:AbstractFloat}(x::T, y::T) k::Int = 0 ρ = x*x + y*y if !isfinite(ρ) && (isinf(x) || isinf(y)) ρ = convert(T, Inf) elseif isinf(ρ) || (ρ==0 && (x!=0 || y!=0)) || ρ= 0 # return Complex(r, iz/r/2) # end # return Complex(abs(iz)/r/2, copysign(r,iz)) # end # compute exp(im*theta) cis(theta::Real) = Complex(cos(theta),sin(theta)) function cis(z::Complex) v = exp(-imag(z)) Complex(v*cos(real(z)), v*sin(real(z))) end @vectorize_1arg Number cis angle(z::Complex) = atan2(imag(z), real(z)) function log{T<:AbstractFloat}(z::Complex{T}) const T1::T = 1.25 const T2::T = 3 const ln2::T = log(convert(T,2)) #0.6931471805599453 x, y = reim(z) ρ, k = ssqs(x,y) ax = abs(x) ay = abs(y) if ax < ay θ, β = ax, ay else θ, β = ay, ax end if k==0 && (0.5 < β*β) && (β <= T1 || ρ < T2) ρρ = log1p((β-1)*(β+1)+θ*θ)/2 else ρρ = log(ρ)/2 + k*ln2 end Complex(ρρ, angle(z)) end log(z::Complex) = log(float(z)) # function log(z::Complex) # ar = abs(real(z)) # ai = abs(imag(z)) # if ar < ai # r = ar/ai # re = log(ai) + log1p(r*r)/2 # else # if ar == 0 # re = isnan(ai) ? ai : -inv(ar) # elseif isinf(ai) # re = oftype(ar,Inf) # else # r = ai/ar # re = log(ar) + log1p(r*r)/2 # end # end # Complex(re, angle(z)) # end function log10(z::Complex) a = log(z) a/log(oftype(real(a),10)) end function log2(z::Complex) a = log(z) a/log(oftype(real(a),2)) end function exp(z::Complex) zr, zi = reim(z) if isnan(zr) Complex(zr, zi==0 ? zi : zr) elseif !isfinite(zi) if zr == Inf Complex(-zr, oftype(zr,NaN)) elseif zr == -Inf Complex(-zero(zr), copysign(zero(zi), zi)) else Complex(oftype(zr,NaN), oftype(zi,NaN)) end else er = exp(zr) if zi == zero(zi) Complex(er, zi) else Complex(er*cos(zi), er*sin(zi)) end end end function expm1(z::Complex) zr,zi = reim(z) if isnan(zr) Complex(zr, zi==0 ? zi : zr) elseif !isfinite(zi) if zr == Inf Complex(-zr, oftype(zr,NaN)) elseif zr == -Inf Complex(-one(zr), copysign(zero(zi), zi)) else Complex(oftype(zr,NaN), oftype(zi,NaN)) end else erm1 = expm1(zr) if zi == 0 Complex(erm1, zi) else er = erm1+one(erm1) wr = isfinite(er) ? erm1 - 2.0*er*(sin(0.5*zi))^2 : er*cos(zi) Complex(wr, er*sin(zi)) end end end function log1p{T}(z::Complex{T}) zr,zi = reim(z) if isfinite(zr) isinf(zi) && return log(z) # This is based on a well-known trick for log1p of real z, # allegedly due to Kahan, only modified to handle real(u) <= 0 # differently to avoid inaccuracy near z==-2 and for correct branch cut u = float(one(T)) + z u == 1 ? convert(typeof(u), z) : real(u) <= 0 ? log(u) : log(u)*z/(u-1) elseif isnan(zr) Complex(zr, zr) elseif isfinite(zi) Complex(T(Inf), copysign(zr > 0 ? zero(T) : convert(T, pi), zi)) else Complex(T(Inf), T(NaN)) end end function ^{T<:AbstractFloat}(z::Complex{T}, p::Complex{T}) if p==2 #square zr, zi = reim(z) x = (zr-zi)*(zr+zi) y = 2zr*zi if isnan(x) if isinf(y) x = copysign(zero(T),zr) elseif isinf(zi) x = convert(T,-Inf) elseif isinf(zr) x = convert(T,Inf) end elseif isnan(y) && isinf(x) y = copysign(zero(T), y) end Complex(x,y) elseif z!=0 if p!=0 && isinteger(p) rp = real(p) if rp < 0 return power_by_squaring(inv(z), convert(Integer, -rp)) else return power_by_squaring(z, convert(Integer, rp)) end end exp(p*log(z)) elseif p!=0 #0^p zero(z) #CHECK SIGNS else #0^0 zer = copysign(zero(T),real(p))*copysign(zero(T),imag(z)) Complex(one(T), zer) end end function exp2{T}(z::Complex{T}) er = exp2(real(z)) theta = imag(z) * log(convert(T, 2)) Complex(er*cos(theta), er*sin(theta)) end function exp10{T}(z::Complex{T}) er = exp10(real(z)) theta = imag(z) * log(convert(T, 10)) Complex(er*cos(theta), er*sin(theta)) end function ^{T<:Complex}(z::T, p::T) if isinteger(p) rp = real(p) if rp < 0 return power_by_squaring(inv(float(z)), convert(Integer, -rp)) else return power_by_squaring(float(z), convert(Integer, rp)) end end pr, pim = reim(p) zr, zi = reim(z) r = abs(z) rp = r^pr theta = atan2(zi, zr) ntheta = pr*theta if pim != 0 && r != 0 rp = rp*exp(-pim*theta) ntheta = ntheta + pim*log(r) end cosntheta = cos(ntheta) sinntheta = sin(ntheta) re, im = rp*cosntheta, rp*sinntheta if isinf(rp) if isnan(re) re = copysign(zero(re), cosntheta) end if isnan(im) im = copysign(zero(im), sinntheta) end end # apply some corrections to force known zeros if pim == 0 if isinteger(pr) if zi == 0 im = copysign(zero(im), im) elseif zr == 0 if isinteger(0.5*pr) # pr is even im = copysign(zero(im), im) else re = copysign(zero(re), re) end end else dr = pr*2 if isinteger(dr) && zi == 0 if zr < 0 re = copysign(zero(re), re) else im = copysign(zero(im), im) end end end end Complex(re, im) end ^(z::Complex, n::Bool) = n ? z : one(z) ^(z::Complex, n::Integer) = z^Complex(n) ^{T<:AbstractFloat}(z::Complex{T}, n::Bool) = n ? z : one(z) # to resolve ambiguity ^{T<:Integer}(z::Complex{T}, n::Bool) = n ? z : one(z) # to resolve ambiguity ^{T<:AbstractFloat}(z::Complex{T}, n::Integer) = n>=0 ? power_by_squaring(z,n) : power_by_squaring(inv(z),-n) ^{T<:Integer}(z::Complex{T}, n::Integer) = power_by_squaring(z,n) # DomainError for n<0 function sin(z::Complex) zr, zi = reim(z) if !isfinite(zi) && zr == 0 return Complex(zr, zi) end if isnan(zr) && !isfinite(zi) return Complex(zr, zi) end if !isfinite(zr) && zi == 0 return Complex(oftype(zr, NaN), zi) end if !isfinite(zr) && isfinite(zi) return Complex(oftype(zr, NaN), oftype(zi, NaN)) end if !isfinite(zr) && !isfinite(zi) return Complex(zr, oftype(zi, NaN)) end _sin(z) end sin{T<:Integer}(z::Complex{T}) = _sin(z) function _sin(z::Complex) zr, zi = reim(z) Complex(sin(zr)*cosh(zi), cos(zr)*sinh(zi)) end function cos(z::Complex) zr, zi = reim(z) if !isfinite(zi) && zr == 0 return Complex(isnan(zi) ? zi : oftype(zi, Inf), isnan(zi) ? zr : zr*-sign(zi)) end if !isfinite(zr) && isinf(zi) return Complex(oftype(zr, Inf), oftype(zi, NaN)) end if isinf(zr) return Complex(oftype(zr, NaN), zi==0 ? -copysign(zi, zr) : oftype(zi, NaN)) end if isnan(zr) && zi==0 return Complex(zr, abs(zi)) end _cos(z) end cos{T<:Integer}(z::Complex{T}) = _cos(z) function _cos(z::Complex) zr, zi = reim(z) Complex(cos(zr)*cosh(zi), -sin(zr)*sinh(zi)) end function tan(z::Complex) zr, zi = reim(z) w = tanh(Complex(-zi, zr)) Complex(imag(w), -real(w)) end function asin(z::Complex) zr, zi = reim(z) if isinf(zr) && isinf(zi) return Complex(copysign(oftype(zr,pi)/4, zr),zi) elseif isnan(zi) && isinf(zr) return Complex(zi, oftype(zr, Inf)) end ξ = zr == 0 ? zr : !isfinite(zr) ? oftype(zr,pi)/2 * sign(zr) : atan2(zr, real(sqrt(1-z)*sqrt(1+z))) η = asinh(copysign(imag(sqrt(conj(1-z))*sqrt(1+z)), imag(z))) Complex(ξ,η) end function acos{T<:AbstractFloat}(z::Complex{T}) zr, zi = reim(z) if isnan(zr) if isinf(zi) return Complex(zr, -zi) else return Complex(zr, zr) end elseif isnan(zi) if isinf(zr) return Complex(zi, abs(zr)) elseif zr==0 return Complex(oftype(zr,pi)/2, zi) else return Complex(zi, zi) end elseif zr==zi==0 return Complex(oftype(zr,pi)/2, -zi) elseif zr==Inf && zi===0.0 return Complex(zi, -zr) elseif zr==-Inf && zi===-0.0 return Complex(oftype(zi,pi), -zr) end ξ = 2*atan2(real(sqrt(1-z)), real(sqrt(1+z))) η = asinh(imag(sqrt(conj(1+z))*sqrt(1-z))) if isinf(zr) && isinf(zi) ξ -= oftype(η,pi)/4 * sign(zr) end Complex(ξ,η) end acos(z::Complex) = acos(float(z)) function atan(z::Complex) w = atanh(Complex(-imag(z),real(z))) Complex(imag(w),-real(w)) end function sinh(z::Complex) zr, zi = reim(z) if isinf(zr) && isinf(zi) return Complex(zr, oftype(zi, NaN)) end w = sin(Complex(zi, zr)) Complex(imag(w),real(w)) end function cosh(z::Complex) zr, zi = reim(z) if isnan(zr) && zi==0 return Complex(zr, zi) end cos(Complex(-zi,zr)) end function tanh{T<:AbstractFloat}(z::Complex{T}) const Ω = prevfloat(typemax(T)) ξ, η = reim(z) if isnan(ξ) && η==0 return Complex(ξ, η) end if 4*abs(ξ) > asinh(Ω) #Overflow? Complex(copysign(one(T),ξ), copysign(zero(T),η*(isfinite(η) ? sin(2*abs(η)) : one(η)))) else t = tan(η) β = 1+t*t #sec(η)^2 s = sinh(ξ) ρ = sqrt(1 + s*s) #cosh(ξ) if isinf(t) Complex(ρ/s,1/t) else Complex(β*ρ*s,t)/(1+β*s*s) end end end tanh(z::Complex) = tanh(float(z)) function asinh(z::Complex) w = asin(Complex(-imag(z),real(z))) Complex(imag(w),-real(w)) end function acosh(z::Complex) zr, zi = reim(z) if isnan(zr) || isnan(zi) if isinf(zr) || isinf(zi) return Complex(oftype(zr, Inf), oftype(zi, NaN)) else return Complex(oftype(zr, NaN), oftype(zi, NaN)) end elseif zr==-Inf && zi===-0.0 #Edge case is wrong - WHY? return Complex(oftype(zr,Inf), oftype(zi, -pi)) end ξ = asinh(real(sqrt(conj(z-1))*sqrt(z+1))) η = 2atan2(imag(sqrt(z-1)),real(sqrt(z+1))) if isinf(zr) && isinf(zi) η -= oftype(η,pi)/4 * sign(zi) * sign(zr) end Complex(ξ, η) end function atanh{T<:AbstractFloat}(z::Complex{T}) const Ω = prevfloat(typemax(T)) const θ = sqrt(Ω)/4 const ρ = 1/θ x, y = reim(z) ax = abs(x) ay = abs(y) if ax > θ || ay > θ #Prevent overflow if isnan(y) if isinf(x) return Complex(copysign(zero(x),x), y) else return Complex(real(1/z), y) end end if isinf(y) return Complex(copysign(zero(x),x), copysign(oftype(y,pi)/2, y)) end return Complex(real(1/z), copysign(oftype(y,pi)/2, y)) elseif ax==1 if y == 0 ξ = copysign(oftype(x,Inf),x) η = zero(y) else ym = ay+ρ ξ = log(sqrt(sqrt(4+y*y))/sqrt(ym)) η = copysign(oftype(y,pi)/2 + atan(ym/2), y)/2 end else #Normal case ysq = (ay+ρ)^2 if x == 0 ξ = x else ξ = log1p(4x/((1-x)^2 + ysq))/4 end η = angle(Complex((1-x)*(1+x)-ysq, 2y))/2 end Complex(ξ, η) end atanh(z::Complex) = atanh(float(z)) function lexcmp(a::Complex, b::Complex) c = cmp(real(a), real(b)) c == 0 || return c cmp(imag(a), imag(b)) end #Rounding complex numbers # Superfluous tuple splatting in return arguments is a work around for 32-bit systems (#10027) #Requires two different RoundingModes for the real and imaginary components if WORD_SIZE==32 function round{T<:AbstractFloat, MR, MI}(z::Complex{T}, ::RoundingMode{MR}, ::RoundingMode{MI}) Complex((round(real(z), RoundingMode{MR}()), round(imag(z), RoundingMode{MI}()))...) end round(z::Complex) = Complex((round(real(z)), round(imag(z)))...) else function round{T<:AbstractFloat, MR, MI}(z::Complex{T}, ::RoundingMode{MR}, ::RoundingMode{MI}) Complex(round(real(z), RoundingMode{MR}()), round(imag(z), RoundingMode{MI}())) end round(z::Complex) = Complex(round(real(z)), round(imag(z))) end @vectorize_1arg Complex round function round(z::Complex, digits::Integer, base::Integer=10) Complex(round(real(z), digits, base), round(imag(z), digits, base)) end float{T<:AbstractFloat}(z::Complex{T}) = z float(z::Complex) = Complex(float(real(z)), float(imag(z))) @vectorize_1arg Complex float big{T<:AbstractFloat}(z::Complex{T}) = Complex{BigFloat}(z) big{T<:Integer}(z::Complex{T}) = Complex{BigInt}(z) ## Array operations on complex numbers ## complex{T<:Complex}(A::AbstractArray{T}) = A function complex{T}(A::AbstractArray{T}) if !isleaftype(T) error("`complex` not defined on abstractly-typed arrays; please convert to a more specific type") end convert(AbstractArray{typeof(complex(zero(T)))}, A) end big{T<:Integer,N}(A::AbstractArray{Complex{T},N}) = convert(AbstractArray{Complex{BigInt},N}, A) big{T<:AbstractFloat,N}(A::AbstractArray{Complex{T},N}) = convert(AbstractArray{Complex{BigFloat},N}, A) ## promotion to complex ## promote_array_type{S<:Union{Complex, Real}, AT<:AbstractFloat}(F, ::Type{S}, ::Type{Complex{AT}}) = Complex{AT} function complex{S<:Real,T<:Real}(A::Array{S}, B::Array{T}) if size(A) != size(B); throw(DimensionMismatch()); end F = similar(A, typeof(complex(zero(S),zero(T)))) for i in eachindex(A) @inbounds F[i] = complex(A[i], B[i]) end return F end function complex{T<:Real}(A::Real, B::Array{T}) F = similar(B, typeof(complex(A,zero(T)))) for i in eachindex(B) @inbounds F[i] = complex(A, B[i]) end return F end function complex{T<:Real}(A::Array{T}, B::Real) F = similar(A, typeof(complex(zero(T),B))) for i in eachindex(A) @inbounds F[i] = complex(A[i], B) end return F end