importall Base # figure 5.2 from principles of parallel programming, ported to julia. # sum a vector using a tree on top of local reductions. function sum(v::DArray) P = procs(v) nodeval = [RemoteRef(p) for p=P] answer = RemoteRef() np = numel(P) for i=0:np-1 @spawnat P[i+1] begin stride=1 tally = sum(localpart(v)) while stride < np if i%(2*stride) == 0 tally = tally + take(nodeval[i+stride]) stride = 2*stride else put(nodeval[i], tally) break end end if i==0 put(answer, tally) end end end fetch(answer) end function reduce(f, v::DArray) mapreduce(fetch, f, [ @spawnat p reduce(f,localpart(v)) for p = procs(v) ]) end # possibly-useful abstraction: type RefGroup refs::Array{RemoteRef,1} RefGroup(P) = new([ RemoteRef(p) for p=P ]) end getindex(r::RefGroup, i) = fetch(r.refs[i]) setindex!(r::RefGroup, v, i) = put(r.refs[i], v)