""" Where the bot execution starts & contains the game loop that keeps the bot running indefinitely """ import multiprocessing from ui import UI import auto_queue from game import Game import settings def game_loop(ui_queue: multiprocessing.Queue) -> None: """Keeps the program running indefinetly by calling queue and game start in a loop""" while True: auto_queue.queue() Game(ui_queue) if __name__ == "__main__": if settings.LEAGUE_CLIENT_PATH is None: raise ValueError("No league client path specified. Please set the path in settings.py") message_queue = multiprocessing.Queue() overlay: UI = UI(message_queue) game_thread = multiprocessing.Process(target=game_loop, args=(message_queue,)) print("TFT OCR | https://github.com/jfd02/TFT-OCR-BOT") print("Close this window to terminate the overlay window & program") game_thread.start() overlay.ui_loop()