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Drupal Dockerizer CLI.

Prepare instalation

This project require next tools:

After install docker need add your user to docker group and logout/login to you system, see instruction

How to use

Go to your drupal project directory, navigate to the web directory where the index.php file is located, and run drupal-dockerizer init in terminal to create a drupal dockerizer configuration. Configuration placed in the root directory of the drupal project named .drupal -dockerizer.yml. Now you can change the configuration in this file. For more information see Drupal Dockerizer Repository

To create docker containers, run drupal-dockerizer up inside any directory in your drupal project. After running this command, you can work with drupal, for example, you can install drupal site by running command drupal-dockerizer drush si --account-pass=admin --site-name=Drupal -y

To stop docker containers run drupal-dockerizer stop. This command just stop containers, all data in database, solr, memcache, php is safe at this point.

Run drupal-dockerizer down to remove all data and contexts. This command removes the entire volumes created by Drupal Dockerizer and removes all containers.

You can run any drush command in your project by running drupal-dockerizer drush <drush-command> when containers are running.

If you don't have php or composer on your system, you can install drupal project using composer container. To use composer run drupal-dockerizer composer <composer-command>


Manualy build pip package

Create python virual enviroment and activate by instruction. Run pip install -r requirements.txt for install dependency

Command for build pip package: python3 sdist bdist_wheel Go to dist folder now you can install package to your system by run pip intall drupal_dockerizer-*.whl

Build package in docker:

Buid image: docker build -t drupal_dockerizer .

Copy created packages from container: docker run --rm --volume $PWD:/app --user $(id -u):$(id -g) drupal_dockerizer cp -R /code/dist /app/drupal_dockerizer_package


Go to folder with builded package and run pip intall drupal_dockerizer-*.whl


Create python virual enviroment and activate by instruction.

Run pip install --editable . for install drupal_dockerizer to current enviroment.

Now you can edit files in folder drupal_dockerizer and use command drupal-dockerizer to see results from terminal or debug.


For uninstall package run pip uninstall drupal_dockerizer