# Disallow specific `jest.` methods (`no-restricted-jest-methods`) You may wish to restrict the use of specific `jest` methods. ## Rule details This rule checks for the usage of specific methods on the `jest` object, which can be used to disallow certain patterns such as spies and mocks. ## Options Restrictions are expressed in the form of a map, with the value being either a string message to be shown, or `null` if a generic default message should be used. By default, this map is empty, meaning no `jest` methods are banned. For example: ```json { "jest/no-restricted-jest-methods": [ "error", { "advanceTimersByTime": null, "spyOn": "Don't use spies" } ] } ``` Examples of **incorrect** code for this rule with the above configuration ```js jest.useFakeTimers(); it('calls the callback after 1 second via advanceTimersByTime', () => { // ... jest.advanceTimersByTime(1000); // ... }); test('plays video', () => { const spy = jest.spyOn(video, 'play'); // ... }); ```