# Enforce valid `describe()` callback (`valid-describe-callback`) 💼 This rule is enabled in the ✅ `recommended` [config](https://github.com/jest-community/eslint-plugin-jest/blob/main/README.md#shareable-configurations). Using an improper `describe()` callback function can lead to unexpected test errors. ## Rule details This rule validates that the second parameter of a `describe()` function is a callback function. This callback function: - should not be [async](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/async_function) - should not contain any parameters - should not contain any `return` statements The following `describe` function aliases are also validated: - `describe` - `describe.only` - `describe.skip` - `fdescribe` - `xdescribe` The following patterns are considered warnings: ```js // Async callback functions are not allowed describe('myFunction()', async () => { // ... }); // Callback function parameters are not allowed describe('myFunction()', done => { // ... }); // describe('myFunction', () => { // No return statements are allowed in block of a callback function return Promise.resolve().then(() => { it('breaks', () => { throw new Error('Fail'); }); }); }); // Returning a value from a describe block is not allowed describe('myFunction', () => it('returns a truthy value', () => { expect(myFunction()).toBeTruthy(); })); ``` The following patterns are not considered warnings: ```js describe('myFunction()', () => { it('returns a truthy value', () => { expect(myFunction()).toBeTruthy(); }); }); ```