!SLIDE #pydown !SLIDE ##Markdown + deck.js ##Simple html presentation maker ##You just need to write markdown file !SLIDE ##Support code highlighting ~~~~{python} def hello(): print 'hello world' ~~~~ !SLIDE left ##You can customize with css ###like dropping the centering !SLIDE left ##Easy to use 1. write your slides markdown file 2. python main.py md directory !SLIDE ##The previous slide just looks like this ~~~~ !SLIDE left ##Easy to use 1. write your slides markdown file 2. python main.py md directory ~~~~ !SLIDE ##Supports Markdown extensions Like Markdown Extra {: .slide} Via the [python-markdown](https://pythonhosted.org/Markdown/extensions/index.html) module {: .slide} which allows for things adding additional attributes to markdown {: .slide} !SLIDE ##Just simple ##and enjoy yourself !SLIDE #Thanks ##[isnowfy](http://www.isnowfy.com)|[isnowfy](https://github.com/isnowfy) on Github ###Made by [pydown](https://github.com/isnowfy/pydown) ###Inspired by [keydown](https://github.com/infews/keydown)