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72 lines (70 loc) · 9.21 KB

File metadata and controls

72 lines (70 loc) · 9.21 KB


Libraries which provide general utility functions.

  • Underscore.m - A DSL for Data Manipulation.
  • SBConstants - Generate a constants file by grabbing identifiers from storyboards in a project.
  • XExtensionItem - Easier sharing of structured data between iOS applications and share extensions.
  • ReflectableEnum - Reflection for enumerations in Objective-C.
  • ObjectiveSugar - ObjectiveC additions for humans. Ruby style.
  • GroundControl - Remote configuration for iOS.
  • OpinionatedC - Because Objective-C should have inherited more from Smalltalk.
  • SwiftRandom - Generator for random data. 🔶
  • RandomKit - Random data generation in Swift. 🔶
  • YOLOKit - Getting square objects down round holes.
  • EZSwiftExtensions - 😏 How Swift standard types and classes were supposed to work. 🔶[e]
  • Pantry - The missing light persistence layer for Swift 🔶
  • SwiftParsec - A parser combinator library written in the Swift programming language. 🔶
  • OrderedSet - A Swift collection of unique, ordered objects 🔶
  • Datez - Swift library for dealing with NSDate, NSCalendar, and NSDateComponents. 🔶
  • BFKit - An Objective-C collection of useful classes to develop Apps faster.
  • BFKit-Swift - A Swift collection of useful classes to develop Apps faster. 🔶
  • Scale - Unit converter in Swift (available via CocoaPods) 🔶
  • Standard Template Protocols - Protocols for your every day iOS needs 🔶
  • TimeLord - Easly DateTime (NSDate) managment in Swift 🔶
  • AppVersionMonitor - Monitor iOS app version easily.
  • Sugar - Something sweet that goes great with your Cocoa. 🔶[e]
  • Then - ✨ Super sweet syntactic sugar for Swift initializers. 🔶[e]
  • Kvitto - App Store Receipt Validation 🔶
  • Notificationz - Helping you own NSNotificationCenter in Swift 🔶
  • SwiftFoundation - Cross-Platform, Protocol-Oriented Programming base library to complement the Swift Standard Library. (Pure Swift, Supports Linux) 🔶[e]
  • libextobjc - A Cocoa library to extend the Objective-C programming language.
  • VersionTrackerSwift - Track which versions of your app a user has previously installed. 🔶
  • DeviceGuru - DeviceGuru is a simple lib (Swift) to know the exact type of the device, e.g. iPhone 6 or iPhone 6s. 🔶
  • swift-algorithm-club - Algorithms and data structures in Swift, with explanations! 🔶
  • AEAppVersion - Simple and Lightweight App Version Tracking for iOS written in Swift 🔶
  • BlocksKit - The Objective-C block utilities you always wish you had.
  • SwiftyUtils - All the reusable code that we need in each project. 🔶[e]
  • RateLimit - Simple utility for only executing code every so often. 🔶
  • Outlets - Utility functions for validating IBOutlet and IBAction connections 🔶
  • EasyAbout - A way to easily add Cocoapod licenses and App Version to your iOS App using the Settings Bundle
  • Validated - A Swift μ-Library for Somewhat Dependent Types 🔶
  • Cent - Extensions for Swift Standard Types and Classes 🔶
  • AssistantKit - Easy way to detect iOS device properties, OS versions and work with screen sizes. Powered by Swift. 🔶
  • SwiftLinkPreview - It makes a preview from an url, grabbing all the information such as title, relevant texts and images. 🔶
  • BundleInfos - Simple getter for Bundle informations. like short version from bundle. 🔶
  • YAML.framework - Proper YAML support for Objective-C based on LibYAML.
  • ReadabilityKit - Metadata extractor for news, articles and full-texts in Swift. 🔶
  • MissionControl-iOS - Super powerful remote config utility written in Swift (iOS, watchOS, tvOS, OSX) 🔶
  • SwiftTweaks - Tweak your iOS app without recompiling! 🔶
  • UnsupportedOSVersionAlert - Alerts users with a popup if they use an app with an unsupported version of iOS (e.g. iOS betas) 🔶
  • SwiftRouter - A URL Router for iOS, written in Swift 2.2 🔶
  • SwiftSortUtils - This library takes a shot at making sorting in Swift more pleasant. It also allows you to reuse your old NSSortDescriptor instances in Swift. 🔶
  • Retry - Haven't you wished for try to sometimes try a little harder? Meet retry . 🔶
  • ObjectiveKit - Swift-friendly API for Objective C runtime functions. 🔶
  • MoyaSugar - Syntactic sugar for Moya. 🔶
  • SwifterSwift - A handy collection of more than 400 native Swift 3 extensions to boost your productivity. 🔶
  • Eject - An eject button for Interface Builder to generate swift code. 🔶
  • ContactsWrapper - Easy to use wrapper for both contacts and contacts group with Objective-C.
  • XestiMonitors - An extensible monitoring framework written in Swift 🔶
  • OpenSourceController - The simplest way to display the librarie's licences used in your application. 🔶
  • Apache Commons - Provides different general purpose functions like configuration, validation, collections, file upload or XML processing.
  • CRaSH - Provides a shell into a JVM that's running CRaSH. Used by Spring Boot and others.
  • Dex - Java/JavaFX tool capable of powerful ETL and data visualization.
  • Embulk - Bulk data loader that helps data transfer between various databases, storages, file formats, and cloud services.
  • Gephi - Cross-platform for visualizing and manipulating large graph networks.
  • Guava - Collections, caching, primitives support, concurrency libraries, common annotations, string processing, I/O, and so forth.
  • JADE - Framework and environment for building and to debugging multi-agent systems.
  • JavaVerbalExpressions - A library that helps to construct difficult regular expressions.
  • minio-java - Provides simple APIs to access any Amazon S3 compatible object storage server.
  • Protégé - Provides an ontology editor and a framework to build knowledge-based systems.
  • Underscore-java - Port of Underscore.js functions.
  • JGit - A lightweight pure Java library implementing the Git version control system.